Assistance With a Tarot Spread

I need help with a lil’ 3 card spread I did regarding myself and a crush I’m working on moving on from.

For context: I’ve had a crush on this dude since November and all of our interactions are either real flirty (there’s DEFINITELY mutual attraction) or more vulnerable and personal than what you’d usually share with an acquaintance you see at school sometimes.

However, he does this really fun thing that when I actually expressed my interest, he generally would disappear on me for days to weeks at a time, which, for a time, I could believe was because of school, but it continued even when our course loads lightened or lifted completely for a time.

And, of COURSE, now that I’ve found a man that is consistently awesome, now my old crush decides to be forward with his interest in me. I have zero intention of leaving my beau for this dude (I’ve been in similar scenarios one too many times to fall for THAT again), and am primarily lamenting the super shitty timing my old crush seems to have.

But I figured I’d do a lil’ reading about the overall energy between him and I, and got:

5 of Pentacles rx

King of Pentacles

The Tower

My very best interpretation of this is that we’re both getting out of scarcity mindsets and have time to pursue pleasure over scholastic pursuits, but whatever vibe we have between us is gonna see sudden upheaval. I don’t think this is my cards going “sure, go for it!” so much as a reminder to not fall into my old “bail on a good dude for a dude with well-established avoidant attachment styles” pattern.

If anybody can help, I’d appreciate you forever!

seems like the cards are confirming this. the imagery is really cool. 5 of pentacles reversed - refusing to get dragged into a bad situation all over again.
your values have shifted enough (king of pentacles) to recognise your crush as trouble (the tower).
the energy between the two of you, definitely a lot of chaos, challenging and disrupting stability with the 5 of pentacles and the tower.

i’ve observed that a lot of times when there is a lot of mutual attraction but toxic behaviour, these people are triggering some unresolved habitual patterns in us that can be healed and transformed. maybe play around with tarot a bit more and ask what is your crush triggering in you? or what can you learn from the dynamic between the two of you?

hope that helps a little! :smiley:

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It helps a lot! Thank you!

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It seems like the energies around this connection will get better but it means that your connection will get weaker. Maybe because you already decided that you want to move on from this.
There might be still some things on a material base that have influence on your energy. There will be a huge change or the change is already happening. Maybe because you find out about something or because he realizes, that you are moving on.
I don’t think this is the end yet - but you can decide what you want.

I think it’s possible that he was afraid of all the emotions and that’s why he ran from you when you opened up. As you move away from him and let him “space”, he will get calmer probably. But he will also realize that you might move on so I think it will be interesting what will happen then.

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Social ostracization and poverty in feeling secure.

Pragmatic, responsible, and slow-moving temperament-- often shows care with actions but struggles verbally communicating.

Explosion of the mind: dawning revelation that changes one’s perspective.

Basically just described your immediate past.

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I never thought of reading the Tower as a “come to Jesus” moment card; you kinda blew my mind, there!

It’ll be fun to see how it all plays out, tbh.