Asmodeus and my cat

Good evening/Hello, I was wondering why the first time I tried to summon Asmodeus (with an enn on YouTube via my computer), my cat Zoe outside immediately came back, knocked and screamed/cried at my window like a fool ?

And when I got her back, she sat next to me on my bed, then I continued to listen to the enn of Asmodeus with his magnificent seal right in front of me on my computer and Zoe watched intently :eyes: the seal, made a little purr (meo~) then started to cuddle the seal as if she had always known Asmodeus… is it possible that Asmodean spirits can transform into animals ?

Maybe your cat just freaked out when it felt his energy ?

If she had panicked, I don’t think she would have gone to hug my computer at that moment, nor did her hair stand up at that moment.

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Cats are intuitive to the other side, at least some are. Mine doesn’t do anything, she just sits there looking like a queen on her damn thrown waiting for the whole world to bow down to her.

Really, it depends on the cat! :sweat_smile:


Cats are energy junkies. They like strong energies. Mine loved to nap in my UC. He preferred to leave the room if a spirit was present though. He took one sniff at Azazel and decided, nope, I’ll wait 'til you’re done lol


Ah thank you so this kind of experience doesn’t just happen to my cat :slight_smile:

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Nope. It seems a lot of cats suddenly get very interested when magick is afoot lol


It happens to cats in general, my cat just sits there and I know she sees more than I can into the spiritual realm.

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My cat is afraid of strangers, which includes entities. I don’t summon anything until and unless he’s in his big outdoor catio.

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