Asking for ideas to bind disease to an object

You lovely people probably already know that you can summon a lot of things, even things that you wouldn’t think it possible since they’re not considered to be beings, such as a dude here telling us he talked to the very logo of Pepsi if memory serves.

What I am trying to do is:

  1. Rip out the disease affecting a person.

  2. Bind it to a rock.

  3. YEET that rock into the ocean.

I got most of it thought out (especially how you must pump the patient with life force to avoid creating a disbalance, and how sudden changes are not the best idea, etc…), but I am lacking in the binding department.

What I got up until now is that I will be using the planetary seal of Saturn as it is basically the jail card from Monopoly when it comes to telling bad juju to piss off. I wonder if painting the seal on the rock, once it has done taking in the spirit, will do to keep it in.

What do you guys think?


This sounds like something maybe Marbas could help with, since he’s the master of healing diseases. Not sure if you could completely remove the disease, but hopefully lessen it. Let me know if this works because if so I need to do it with my mom.


Not really seeing the point of binding the sickness to an object if your just going to chuck that object away, though I think the Black Toad had a similar spell in it. :thinking: Marbas would indeed be a good demon to ask for help in such a endeavor. There’s also a bindrune that might be from a Icelandic grimoire for “binding a prisoner”


This is a workable solution, its even one of Garret’s spells.
He summons certain spirits to assist him but he also says concentrating on the specific place in the body will help the transference.

For example, if the issue is in the kidney or liver, go out and buy those parts of an animal to use as the sacrifice.


Thank you for your kind replies. Been working with Marbas for a year now and the rites were gruelling, at most I have stalled the disease.

I am designing a rite for this, for about 3 to 7 days worth of work. I’ll write it here in a few hours.


As promised, but late as more often than not:


The premise is simple. Got someone with a bad disease? Even if it is an autoimmune thingie like schlerosis and such? Treat it in your mind as a separate entity or a curse even if it is your own body acting up and not, say, bacterias or foreign organisms being absolute cunts with you. When you hold it in your mind as something separate from you, you may as well treat it like a spirit and bind it to an object.




Now that we got that out of the way I will describe wholesale what you do before going into detail:

You just grab a box, any box will do, you paint or glue printed versions of the Seal of Saturn in its inner and outer layers. Then you grab an object that will represent to you the disease you wish to fight for, to place it in the box, wrapped bit a bit of red or black cord. When you got that you make time for at least three to nine nights in which you do the rite. The rite consists of being monitored by Raphael and Michael (or spirits of your chosing that are related to healing and protection) to oversee your work, under the gratuitous protection of Malphas. You consecrate three black candles, or any candle if you can’t find them precisely black, you light them up, and visualize until you tire yourself out. You then close the box, let the candles burn through the night, dispose of them and next night? You do something similar, less work actually.

This should rip the disease from a person, or at least hamper it enough that it stops spreading, but in any case this is not a substitute for modern medical treatments . Hell, I wish it was, but it is the least we as practitioners of the art can do from our behalf.

A word of caution: Just because you take out the disease bothering your patient, does not mean the patient is free. Often than not I’ve seen that their health plummets for other but related reasons to the disease, and from what I’ve heard, you need to counterbalance your excising with healing. This is where Raphael comes in place, he will heal as you go along the process, but may not be enough.

This is why I am including an exercise in healing little further.

Of course, these instructions aren’t the end-all be-all so feel free to tinker and improvise, I am sure you can find ways to make it better. What follows is the index, feel free to jump between sections by searching for the word “SECTION” (Ctrl + F).

SECTION 1.- Shopping list.

SECTION 2.- Protection.

SECTION 3.- Setting the trap.

SECTION 4.- The binding.

SECTION 5.- Wrapping up.

SECTION 6.- Maintenance.
SECTION 7.- Tl,dr step by step overlook.

'Ere we go!

SECTION 1.- Shopping list:

All of these are items you probably already have home, I am thinking with budget in mind as sorcery begins and dies with it, no need for nothing fancy but undilluted will. Hell, I got friends who use a Mickey Mouse hat from their childhood trip to Disneyland as a stand-in for Satan!

  • The Exorcism of Edin Na Zu, from the Simon Necronomicon, to read out loud. It’s freely available on-line.

  • Seal of Malphas, and his enn (whisper nine times “Lirach tasa Malphas ayer” before making your petition, there is no correct pronunciation, go with how you feel).

  • Seal of Archangel Michael.

  • Seal of Archangel Raphael.

  • Eight planetary seals of Saturn.

  • A box. Can be a shoebox, doesn’t have to be anything expensive.

  • Red string.

  • Black marker pen.

  • Three candles, preferably black, for the first night.

  • Electrical masking tape, duct tape, whatever adhesive tape you got.

  • Adhesive such as epoxy glue or similar.

  • Scissors or any other cutting object. Got an athame? Go with that. If not there is no need to buy one for this, those things are expensive, yo!

  • A single paper containing the definition (just copy and paste part of the entry from Wikipedia if you know what disease you are fighting. If not, just the general idea from the definition for “disease”, from the same site. Doesn’t have to be specific, just simbolic).

  • Black clothes, either a bathrobe like in my case or simple trousers and shirt in black. This works as a shield.

  • The binding object: This particular thing was told by the elemental king of earth, Ghob, to use a fist-sized quartz stone. Good luck finding that shit in this economy! I know he meant no disrespect but I have been using broken chicken bones that are my dog’s dining leftovers. Treat yourself to some drumsticks and keep those, as bones are metaphorically speaking what binds our flesh together, and since they belonged to something alive at some point, the disease might as well be tricked into entering it.

“But 333, how can two measly bones hold some fucked up illness in them?” They don’t, that’s the secret. But the seals of Saturn do. The divine monitoring of two archangels does. The trickery of a Goetic President does. And the fact that you are bringing forth The Abyss, the primordial point of creation and the ultimate destination of this anal rodeo of an universe, to consume and break that malady down into atoms? That will work.

SECTION 2.- Protection.

You start this ritual dressed however you want, and right after the exorcism, you hop into your black clothes or you don a black bathrobe like I do. This symbolizes a transition of sorts.

All and any ritual work should begin and end with an exorcism, both to cancel out whatever energies and curious entities might be around and to give you a sense of peace. This is why before you start this rite you should recite the Exorcism of Edin Na Zu nine times. There is no need to rush the recitation, read it once, give yourself a little time to recover, take a deep breath and begin anew. You should also have a way of counting how many times you’ve recited it. I have nine crossess on the page were I printed the exorcism, and I just move my thumb towards the end of the page, one cross at a time, one per recitation.

After you are done with this, as I said before, go dress in your black clothes, so that you may recite Malpha’s enn (“Lirach tasa Malphas ayer”) nine slow times in a soft whisper while holding and looking at his seal, and utter right after “Shadows hide me! Crow brother Malphas, build the wall!” This will, as promised by the Goetia, erect a psychic barrier that will prevent you from being seen and targeted by the disease that you’re about to evict. Though the Archangel Michael is more than happy to fight back whatever life-eating bullshit you’re about to face (because you will), does not mean you shouldn’t barricade your spiritual self and create chokepoints, where Big Mike (pun intended) can leasurely pick out stragglers. You achieve this by this barrier.

Thing is, you gotta call down Michael first.

You do it as with the seal of Malphas. Michael does not have a demonic enn to call, his name is enough, and though this is true with each and every entity, enns are more powerful means. Either way just hold out his seal, look at it relaxedly, and pronounce his name over and over until you feel his presence. There is not an exact way to know, just go with it, knowing He will arrive and that will be more than happy to help you vanquish this evil. The Archangel Michael favors greatly all those who oppose suffering. You should know that his name is pronounced “MEE-KAH-EL”, not “Mai-kel” like the name of a certain popular icon of pop music. I know the focus here is intent rather than detail but it will help Anglo-speakers separate the concept in their minds, and give it an importance you might not find if you correlate the Archangel to Michael Jackson. Just sayin’!

Right after you feel that “it is enough”, please word out why you call upon him. You can whisper it, you can say it out loud, or you can hold it in your internal monologue (AKA think about it by picture or conversation). It helps cement the presence. Explain how you need of his authority and protection to help bind the disease into the object and stay safe while you do it, that you would like of Him to repel any hostile entities and their tricks while you operate.

After this, proceed with Archangel Raphael in similar manner (hold out seal, pronounce name, etc…) and do explain to Him you wish that your sorcery is supervised and corrected by him as you go, that you don’t want to commit some ham-handed mistake while you are at it, and that He will work much as an assistant surgeon while you perform. Don’t feel guilty that you are relegating the Archangel to a support-role, He knows of your despair and will make do for now, such is the depth of his patience.

Personally I have a small sphere of Shungite in my pocket when I deal with hostile energies. I thought poorly of it as just some New Age fad, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it siphons off the excess negativity. They’re pretty cheap and size is not important, even those six-dollar small slabs sold to glue on cellphones will do. Keep that in mind.

SECTION 3.- Setting the trap.

This is very simple and it is nothing more than arts and crafts work of gluing stuff together. It is done under the presence of the spirits mentioned earlier, NOT BEFORE.
What you do here is take your opened box and glue a planetary seal of Saturn in each side and part of the box, inside and outside. I know it’s not very clear the way I write it, what I mean is, if the seals prevent the disease to escape the box, you want a seal on every surface inside the box, such as the bottom, each of the four sides surrounding the object, and of course, under the lid (as to wall it in). You do the same on the outside, placing a seal on every side of the box, bottom included, and on top of the lid. These seals will allow the disease to pass into the object but never leave the box.

Now you take that piece of paper that contains a brief explanation of the disease affecting your patient. You fold that paper neatly and write on the name and date of birth of your patient, and that this disease will affect him or her no more, and how it will pass unto the object to fester, rot and be undone. Write that, sign it off by drawing the seal of Saturn in the paper. Doesn’t have to be perfect, but you might as well print it and wrap it in that paper.

What you do next is combine the paper with the object. Say that you are using a stone, right? Well you can wrap the paper around the stone, or you can glue it shut and neatly to it. You get the idea. Glue them together, make them one single thing. When you got that done, take the red string and only glue ONE END of it to the binding object. This will allow you to coil it tightly around the object when the moment comes.

Now, onto the candles.
What you do here is inject The Abyss into the three candles, each to devour the disease before it gained strength, in the now and to ensure it will have no future. Yes you got that right, you’re not only working in the present but in the past and in the future. How does it work? Your sheer will, the assitance of entities beyond the limitations of flesh and the fact that time might itself just be a “point of view” from our earthly existence is enough cause for it to work. Or for you to believe in it which is the core of this whole process, whatever works first.

So, what is the Abyss? As I’ve mentioned before, it is a place, entity and state where all creation began and where it is going to go. Sounds grim, kinda like the heat death of the universe, but you might as well see it as a source of renewal. What it does is feed on our reality, on all what it is and ever was, grind it down to the finest particle and maybe one day extrudes it into a raw, bare-bones universe.

What is important is that it feeds on all.

It is The End, veritably, and though it might terrify you, it is nothing other than like your first visit to the dentist as a kid, but on a cosmic scale. You may access the Abyss and the hungry, incomplete beings that thirst for the warmth of our side of existance as an oily black mass peppered with the teeth and predatory eyes of unfathomable predators of old. Imagine a malign intelligence that has fed on countless beings across human, even prehuman, history and uses its fossilized remains as tools. This is the Abyss. The endless hungering maw destined to destroy the universe, and in it dwell all the angry gods you can think of.

What you do is take one candle in your left hand and cup over it with your right hand . Close your eyes, relax, as Koetting says “get the wiggles out of your system” and let your breath take you where you feel the weight of your bones. It is better if you do this sitting on a chair. When you feel ready warn the Archangels and Malphas present to step back as you are about to open the gates of a dimension of sheer horror deeper than Hell itself, a primordial place where nothing but the fear of pray and the gluttonous cracking of whole worlds echoes, and say " ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANADA ZAZAS " in whispers. Each time you say it the darkness of the Abyss will flow into you, respecting you for the fact you got the stones to call upon it, curious to see what is on the menu too, greeting you as a friend because you have dared, because to dare is to desire and to desire is to bind and interact . Fill yourself with its presence and energy and be afraid not, whatever you feel, you are in good hands.

When you feel charged pass the candle onto your right hand and say: “I am the Abyss, the End Times, the eater of the sun above and all what is below. I am the forgotten hungers of days past, of memories erased and deep sorrows that steal the light from human hearts. I pour my teeth into this candle so its flame, akin to me in our hunger, will bite down hard on this disease back when it was in its infancy. So that the strength that made it grow stifles and renders it weak, as if it had never had a chance”.

You set that candle aside, do not light it yet.

Take the second candle in your left, cupping it over with your right, and repeat the chant “ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANADA ZAZAS” again and again as you just did, until you are filled with its power once more, so that you can push it into the candle (remeber, you now pass it to your right) by saying: “I am the Abyss, the End Times, the eater of the sun above and all what is below. I am the madness that burns the forest and drains the seas, the grasping, needy hands of today. I pour my greed into this candle so its flame, akin to me in our hunger, will pull and rip and tear this disease for all what is worth, until there is no more, at its strength, at its growth, at its thoughts and at its life”.

As with the first candle, you set it aside and do no light it yet.

Take the third candle as before, chant and be filled with the might of the Abyss, pass the candle to your right and say: “I am the Abyss, the End Times, the eater of the sun above and all what is below. I am the ashes of dreams torn asunder and never to come, broken and forgotten, the promise of dissolution, the inevitable come to pass. I pour this bitterness into this candle so its flame, akin to me in our hunger, will drown this future as if it was never meant to be”.

Now that your candles are ready and the box is still opened, you begin to bind.

SECTION 4.- The binding.
Say out loud or in whispers: “By the cunning of Zazel, by the mercy of Agiel, I know your signs and have your seal! Hold this disease down for me, set it on this prison and retain it as the Abyss feasts on it!” Repeat “by the cunning of Zazel, by the mercy of Agiel” over and over, knowing that the more you put in it, these Saturnian entities will aid you, since you are in the presence of Michael and Raphael they should know better than to disobey. Besides, it is in their nature to help you, again for daring.

You will feel observed and enabled at some point, that is when you unleash the downpour of a sewer turned upside down, for the Abyss will bleed into this dimension at your command. You have to do this nine times in a row so be ready to feel worn out. What you do is:

  1. Take the scissors, knife or whatever you got that cuts in both hands.

  2. Chant “Zazas Zazas Nasatananda Zazas” as you inhale, exhale into your hands. You are passing the energy of the Abyss into it like this. Do this nine times to charge your scissors or knife.

  3. When you are done, touch the box with your cutting instrument.

  4. Say “Abyss take you down” nine times in a row. Slowly, enjoy the experience of knowing you are in charge.

  5. Visualize the toothy darkness pouring from you into the box, knowing it has began grabbing with it essential parts of the disease you want finished.

When you have done this nine times, light the candles, and as this the whole of the Abyss will begin doing what you just did, pulling and feeding, pulling and feeding. Sit down and relax for a while looking at the flames and pat yourself on the back for job well done.

If you wish repeat to the entities present (Malphas, Michael, Raphael, Agiel and Zazel) to observe and do as they best know, to ensure the disease is being pulled into the box and cannot get out whatever part of it ends in it, and that whatever is trapped, will be devoured.

Just as you feel you regained your strength cup your hands together as if you are about to be given something, chant “ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANANDA ZAZAS” nine times, filling yourself with the Abyss, so that your hands are covered in its stuff of nightmares, and proceed to close the box. Best if you got black gloves to do this. Just shut the box, wrap it in red cord, glue it nicely so it stays taut, and when you are done, close it shut with some duct tape. You do not need to cover it all in the tape, just wrap it around to make sure it is closed.

Let the candles burn throughout the night, in the presence of the box. By early morn all what was bad will have been gone.

SECTION 5.- Wrapping up.

  1. At this point you instruct the spirits to stand guarding until the Abyss is done feeding on the disease.

  2. YOU DO NOT THANK THEM. I will personally kick your door down if you do. You don’t wish to know what happens next.

  3. Put the black clothes to wash, go take a shower and rub yourself with an egg you can dispose of later (DO NOT EAT IT, OH GOD) or just have a regular warm bath with salts.

  4. Recite the exorcism of Edin Na Zu before going to sleep, to expell any onlooker spirits and energies.

  5. Thank the spirits the next day, BUT NOT MALPHAS .

The good thing about the entities involed, even the Abyss, is that they require no pay of sorts to help you out. It is in their essence to help people like this, much like your best friends to beat the crap of someone giving you bother. It is nice to thank them for their assistance by, well, saying it out loud, BUT HERE COMES THE DANGEROUS PART.


He is like a dutiful, valiant solider who just saved your life in the middle of battle, and you trying to express your gratitude in the middle of that annoys him to the point of malice.

It would really be a massive failure to, at this point, just go “hey spirits thanks” and have the work undone just because you implied you are grateful to Malphas. What you do is instruct the spirits to stand guard ensuring the Abyss does its work. and you thank them later by addressing them personally (remember Michael, Raphael, Zazel and Agiel - NEVER MALPHAS). You want to show you appreciate them? Write them some poetry, a song, or just talk about them to other fellow sorcerers. Heck, dedicate a little contemplation to them by lighting a candle, do some charity in their name or, as simple as ever, get their seals engraved / printed out in something durable. Does not have to be fancy as simple plastified cardboard will do, as long as it is nice looking.

Not Malphas though , unless you really want to do it the right and proper way for him:
0) Getting his seal engraved on a pendant or so is ok, he will appreciate it, just do not mention it to him. As far as he cares you done it for yourself. But it is a start. I got mine through laser engraving on a set of dog tags, for about 10-12 bucks.

  1. You don a mask, can be something from a costume or as simple as wrapping a shirt around your face. The stupidier you look the better as your inadequacy will make you want to go unknown.

  2. Now that your face is covered, so is your soul. Believe it!

  3. Set out your offerings. Alcohol is beloved by all spirits. He is a Mercurial spirit, his incense is Storax among any other incenses preferred by Mercurial spirits and his favorite color is orange, maybe get him some orange sweets, or orange-themed presents such as flowers. I hear that Malphas loves matches being lit in his presence, so maybe offer a few and light them up!

  4. Proceed to call Malphas by chanting or whispering his enn nine times (remember: Lirach tasa Malphas ayer).

  5. As soon as you feel his presence, say something along the lines of “Hey I just wanted you to know that someone left these out for you, I gotta go, please do not shoot the messenger”. Then, you leave.

Why does this work? Listen, I do not presume to know the answer, but I would rather not get squeezed out by Malphas. He is a good guy but he just works that way, not hard to not do something when you are told it bothers him, right? Well that is that.

SECTION 6.- Maintenance.

What you do after the first night is a simple quick ritual to sustain what you did he first time. You will need nothing but the very same box where you trapped the disease in. Do not worry, it is not there, it just served as some sort of cage to keep it nice and cozy while the Abyss took bites out of it, remember?

What you do is that binding part, where you chant “ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANANDA ZAZAS” nine times to suffuse yourself with the Abyss’ deadly energies and tap the box with your athame, knife or scissors of liking.

Thing is, this is not really happening a day after the ritual.

What you are doing is riding the echo much like a haunted house works. Imagine your ritual to be like a slide in a water park. You placed it there in the astral when you conducted the rite on the first night, in a way, the ritual IS STILL HAPPENING , so whatever you do the day after it is as if you done it the same night.

So by all means go crazy with it. Charge yourself up and deliver it to the box, it will do as if back then you added that one more blow on the disease. Thing is, do it nine times, as instructed, and then go get a bath and Edin Na Zu exorcism.

You do this two more nights after the first with that being a minimum of three nights of work. I have a mug where I keep a hundred pennies and I keep count on how many times I have done this exercise, or any other, by removing a single coin from it until the mug lies empty. So far I can only get up to 18 to 20 times before I feel exhausted.

SECTION 7.- Tl,dr step by step overlook.

  1. Choose a whole night you can spend awake doing this, and the next three to nine nights to do some lighter work.
  2. Secure materials on shopping list.
  3. Read exorcism of Edin Na Zu out loud or in whispers, nine times.
  4. Don black clothes or robe.
  5. Invoke Malphas’ help by reading his enn nine times while you look on his seal (Lirach tasa Malphas ayer).
  6. Gaze into seal of Michael, call him down by saying his name (MEE-KHA-EL) until you feel him by.
  7. Same with Raphael (RAH-FAH-EL).
  8. Glue seals of Saturn inside every wall surface of the box, even under and over the lid. On the floor and the back too.
  9. Take paper with medical definition of the disease affection your patient, or a general description.
  10. Write the name of your patient along with their date of birth. Or picture if you got one.
  11. Write a statement declaring they are now free of the disease affecting them.
  12. Draw or glue seal or Saturn on the paper.
  13. Wrap the object where you will bind the disease to with said paper.
  14. Sit down, open the Abyss reciting “ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANANDA ZAZAS” over and over until it arrives (it will!).
  15. Drink in its energies, pass them on one candle, like that until you enchant three by reciting the incantations given.
  16. Do not light the candles yet.
  17. Exort Agiel and Zazel to hold down the disease for you.
  18. Charge yourself with the energy of the Abyss and tap the box with the object, so that the Abyss washes he disease into it.
  19. Do the previous step nine times in a row. Take a breather if you must, but do it nine times all together.
  20. Light the candles and relax, knowing the Abyss is eating the disease, destroying it and tearing it asunder.
  21. Call upon the Abyss again to suffuse your hands in its energies.
  22. Now that they are secured, close the box, wrap red cord around it, use some glue to make it stick.
  23. Seal the box with some duct tape.
  24. Before you leave instruct spirits to guard until morning and make sure the disease is bound and eaten away.
  25. Put those black clothes or robe to wash, have a nice shower, read the exorcism of Edin Na Zu and hit the hay.
  26. Thank the spirits the day after BUT DO NOT THANK MALPHAS unless you want to waste the effort. You are warned.
  27. Next night: Charge up with the Abyss, pour it on the box, nine times. If you feel brave, all night, as much as you can.
  28. Like that until you have done in total 3 or 9 nights of work. In a row. Remember that 9 nights may be too much for you.
  29. Take a day or two vacation, return with a vengeance.

Raphael covers the healing for your patient while the disease is beign torn out of their body, might as well work with him and such. That is all for now, I really hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. I cannot divulge private details but I swear that ever since I’ve began doing this, things look better for my patient and that the bad shit in their body seems to have become dormant.

A WARNING: Do not let your grief for your patient overwhelm you and make you take unnecessary risks, or you might find yourself becoming very ill little time after, sometimes with the very disease you are confronting. That said, this is no substitute for any modern medical treatment, I cannot stress this enough, but it is worth your effort as a practitioner of the occult arts.


Placeholder post for additional notes and/or images (if allowed).

Sorry mates, I really couldn’t have done it before. I was in a bad place mentally and writting this has taken me a few tries, don’t know why, but it did. Hope you find it useful!