Ask Me Anything — Advanced Vampire Magick With N.D. Blackwood

hey so, like can i remember my past life even after death and taking birth again?

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What are they best ways to utilize this energy?
Can you give a quick tutorial to set people on the right path?

I have a very strong interest in Vampirism and Connor Kendall’s new book; the Necromancer has sparked a different interest in Necromancy in general. My question to you is, how does one pursue Immortality through Vampirism and Necromancy. I do know that a part of it involves conquering and mastering Death itself, but I feel that there’s more to it then that. If you could elaborate on that for me I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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I am specifically interested in your video course? What will it cover that will be different, aside from your book?

Also, how does vampirism help with astral senses and soul travel?


Thank you

The free chapter of my book proposed by Become a Living God will give you practical energetic exercices.

You can receiving it for free by visiting the book part of this website and click on Draugadrottinn : Lord of the Undeads.

Im wondering if you know anything about vampirism against higher energy lifeforms than humans? Something like a god or demon perhaps. I ask because I have received information on this from various spirits, but since I lack the experience on the path I have trouble fully understanding it.

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Your utilisation of Noctulius is interesting. Were you initiated into the septenary system, and do you refer to the practices of the Drakon Covenant?

Well let’s says that I have similarities with the work of A.A Morrain. I actually never met him, or chat with him. I wont be making comments about his personal stuff with justice.
His book was interresting as it discuss the antique aspect of vampirism in England, and the beakers, wich I don’t conver in mine.

Now, my own work is centristes upon the central european tradition , from Germanic and Dacian sorcery, to the Renaissance practice. It differs from "classical septenary " wich is in my opinion taking source in sinister druidism from the prechristian era. Therefore the approach of Undeads and the nature of them shows a lot of similarities.

A notable difference could be that the Drakon covenant suggest a pretty submissive approach to the Undeads. I suggest to approach them with fear for what they are, and always keeping respect, but I have noticed that submission tend to place you in a position of prey. Assuming a more stoic position tend to work best, at least for me.

I try to incorporate in my book an archeological approach of Noctulius, after consulting archives of Northen Italy and the Brixian Lore.

I hoppe this have answer your question.


This is what can be called Archetypal vampirism. The books of Michael Ford such as Akhkharu cover this in detail, as he suggest to devour entities in order to appropriate their habilities.

In the free chapter of my book delivered by BALG, I adress a pretty simple ritual for that stuff.

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The course will be 3 hours long and featuring E.A Koetting.
We will review step by step each chapter of by book. E.A will be delivering his personal insights from his personnal experience with vampirism.
I will also give explanation on stuff that I haven’t talked about in the book, such as tumbs of the Undead, non-deteriorating dead corpses and different types of human energies according the western and eastern systems.

There is a chapter in the book about Soul Travel and how feeding while projected while help you densité your own astral body and make your experience more vivid and closer to thd physical plan


Greetings RyuDarkness (cool name, I like japanese dragons.
Indeed it is essentielly about conquering death. That’s the corner stone of the undead cult.

But indeed there is more to it. It also cover a particular form of Seidr, a Germanic/Norse form of shamanism that place you in contact with your Fylgia and Kinfylgia , animal spirits linked to yourself and your family lign, that may be use for shapeshifting.

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Ah, interesting and yeah, I took the name Ryu in respect of the Asian form of the dragon rather then the Street Fighter character, lol. I’m actually German descent and I think I see where you’re coming from when you say shamanism from that side but I’ve never heard of the Fylgia and Kinfylgia, and when you say family line of animal spirits. Are you interpreting that family lines have certain links to certain animal spirits. By the way; I see when you mentioned Germanic you slashed it with Norse. Were the Norse Gods worshipped by the Germans in ancient times?

Indeed German and Norse mythology are pretty the same.
Wotan is the name of Odhin, Donnar for Thor.
Still there is 700 years evolution since the antique description of the germanic tribes by Tacitus and the viking age, so you can notice some difference. Around -100 to 0, Wotan appears to not be THE major God of the germanic pantheon, the rôle being occupied by Tius, that Tacitus assimilate to the roman Mars and that we can reasonably assume to be a more ancient version of Tyr.

Their are intesting chtonic tradition in antique Germany, such as as a tribu painting themselves in Black and attacking only at night to make their ennemies think they were attacked by the Will Hunt .

Fylgia and Kinfylgia comes from the norse tradition. Fylgia being your animal totem, Kinfylgia being the one link to your family. I have also remarked that some Kinfylgia may be link to magickal initiation, like a spirit you receave while being initiated to some lign of sorcerers. It is not uncommon to have multiple animal spirtis


All Hail the forces of Darkness !!

I have been interested in the mysteries of Wallachia for a while, its castles, dark stone alleys, its people and creatures, now, I think I have found the right person to show me the way!

Sir Blackwood,

Where can I find knowledge about witchery from Central and Eastern Europe places (focus on Hungary and Romania)?

Do you know some books about their culture, symbols, creatures, spells, history and folklore? Maybe movies about?

Now, the most important question, how do I bring our Countess Elizabeth Bathory and our Prince Vlad Tepes into this very sad and decadent world of ours? :frowning:

Can you talk more about the Aliens and why would we want to work with them?

Hi !
The work with aliens is said to be one of the most dangerous, not to the THE most form of magick. You won’t be dealing with thoughtforms, human intelligence that have Ascended/Descended or spirits that are used to coexist with mankind.
I decided to include that chapter in my book for the sake of transmission, as EA did with his “Calling to the Dark Ones” in his Evocation Master Course, with a red warning on it.
This rituals will make being that from now, ignore your existence, aware of you. One of my mentors use to compare this experience to the one of an insect attracting the attention of a human being. The chance that the human would decide to take care of the fly, or just crush it with his palm are up to you to evaluate before trying all this.
The price you can receive from it, however is impossible to evaluate, as each case to vary. Here you are opening the gates to unknown and unpaved stuff.


As far as I know, not a lot of books have been published in English about Hungarian and Wallachian sorcery itself. There are few romanians authors however, but their publication were in romanian and and deals more about metaphysics that practical witchery as we intend it nowadays.

Michael Ford use to work with the Sigil of Bathory and the Morois. One of the last chapter of Akhkharu cover a small ritual about it.

Three chapter of my book, Draugadrottin will cover rituals of central Europe, from the antique times of Zalmoxis, to the more modern times of the Sigismond Order of the Dragon and his dark use of the Abramelin ritual.


Why did you choose to put Vlad on the cover ? I mean I like it black and gold, my colors.

I get the vampire thing. But it’s just interesting to me.


You are right about the difficulty of finding books in english on the topics I asked. What I found talked about Zalmoxis, that name was unknown to me.

It is very good that you, in your book, shed light on this obscure figure and on the mysteries of central Europe.

Success with the book and good fortune for you walking this path in the forbidden arts!!

Thanks ! That’s very encouraging to see the interest of magician for this release.
I really hoppe that this book will please the public.