Ars Notoria, order of orations

The Ars Notoria appears to have very specific rules for the ordering of the orations. Can anyone on this forum guide me to a way to figure out the correct sequence? The above link is really useful but it doesn’t contain the orations and I am having trouble identifying them in the text.

If the above is correct it says that the order is

" i. Golden Flowers

               1. Theos Megale Exposition

               2. Theos Megale

               3. Holy Scemath

               4. Introduction/Golden Flowers "

I have copied what I believe is either the Theos Magale or Theos Magale Exposition, but I can’t identify the Holy Scemath or Golden Flowers before it goes on to the Lunations. Apparently they are not in order in the text. Are all four of the above contained in the first part of the Ars Notoria, before it moves on to the Lunations?

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I am with the same struggle, anyone in the forum has performed the orations? Help!!!