Ars Goetia daemon of Vanity?

I told you why I’m not telling you what I do and you’re asking.

My advice was to get online and read about protection rites and find one that works for you. Try a few out and see what you like. The more you do magick the more you’ll be able to decide which you like best and for what purposes.

Truthfully, I don’t always do big protection-related ordeals before rituals with spirits. Sometimes I do, but not always.
Most of the time I don’t.

So, I’m going to repeat myself and say, go look around this beautiful internet or pick some books up and try something out. Asking questions is great, but get your feet wet too!!

It is if you want it to be? I don’t ever do Ceremonial but I think it’s supposed to be generally good for you and also protective. Things that empower you and make you feel protected are the point. So if LBRP does that for you, then do it for that.

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Do you want to be Narcissistic and vain, or do you want to feel as though you’re worth more than you do right now?

I thought this might have something to do with self-esteem and I wonder if instead of considering curses and vanity, you might want to consider a spirit or spirits who can either
a. help you become the person you want to be OR
b. help you believe that who you are right now is good and awesome?

I think this is well-worth your consideration. Vanity and narcissism may get you to believe that you’re hot shit, but they aren’t going to make it true and there’s a chance that there will always be a veil of dissonance.

I say this because if you look at how narcissism actually works, it usually begins when a person feels intense shame, neglect, and/or as though they’ve been severely mistreated. It’s not healthy.

And I’m not moralizing or saying, ‘don’t do this OP,’ my point is that if you’re looking for a self-esteem boost you might also be in need of some healing and a way to make yourself feel better about you. There are lots of spirits who can do that without making you obsessed with yourself.

Just something to consider!


Oh! Yeah. I’m well aware of the negative connotations with vanity and narcissism, and I can understand that their CAN be a dissonance with a person who has those traits and has nothing to be proud/vain about - no talents or skill. Yes! I have self-esteem issues;everyone in the forum could tell that. Who doesn’t see that? Let me say it again: I, SEEKING_HELP, have self-esteem issues. Yes. They are warranted. However, when you carry yourself with a certain level of vanity you care about your appearance alot. Right? Just like it says in the definition. You fixate on your appearance alot - even if you aren’t conventionally attractive, you fixate on another facet of appearance. That is - the clothes you wear. If I can’t be the best looking, I DAMN SURE AM GONNA BE THE BEST DRESSED! I hope you can understand my chain of thought. You do right? Damn, I never outright answered your question. To that I say: Yes! I want to be proud and narcissistic;I want help in becoming the person I want to be. I want to curate myself into a Jack-of-all-trades;but, mostly I never want to feel/be inferior to anyone - inexperienced maybe, but NEVER inferior. I never want to feel the numbing pain of having a joke fall flat, nor I won’t ever want to feel the humiliation affiliated with failing at something knew and being teased and laughed at over it. Narcissist’s don’t go through that;they shape the situation. All of that should cover what you suggested/asked.

I disagree. Narcissists are also often talked about behind their backs and joked about because they generally aren’t fun to be around and treat others unkindly. I’m not sure why you think they “shape the situation.” I don’t understand that. But while they may Feel superior, that certainly doesn’t mean they are.

But if that’s what you want, go for it! Best of luck!

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What is your source? ‘Beautifying things’, what does that mean in the sense that it’s being used?

You could try Asmodeus

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Babalon although not Goetia