Are there any intelligent beings on earth other than humans?

I don’t know much about it, but the fact that one of the biggest names on NASA, Armstrong went on an exploration to the biggest cave system in the world makes me think there might be more to it then what the general public knows.

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Yes, and didn’t the US Military train for underground fighting the last years? Why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_monocle:

I don’t know I’m not in the US military…

I have a lot of faith in Radu Cinnamar, and what he writes coincides with what many channels and astral travelers have seen and reported, like Enoch Petrucelly.

Corey Good and David Wilcock are definitively frauds. They are both involved in a court case currently vs Clif High whom they stole from heavily.

Inside the earth is only one of a series of books

#1 Transylvanian Sunrise
#2 Transylvanian Moonrise
#3 Mystery of Egypt
#4 The Secret Parchment
#5 Inside the Earth
#6 Forgotten Genesis

I believe that is the correct order… plus a new one about to come out

Transylvania Sunrise describes how in 2003 , the US and Romania found a hidden chamber under the Romanian sphinx that contains holograms from 50,000 years ago.

Each of these books rewrites history as we know it. From the descriptions I’ve heard it sounds like gvmnt employees are attempting borderline magic from a scientific point of view. The earth has an underworld with more water in it than is in the oceans above. ( hmmm inside a sphere has a lot of volume). A tunnel goes from Romania to Egypt and another tunnel goes in to where the peoples live.

So I just heard about this I haven’t read any of these books yet. I guess for y’all that know how to project you can go looking at the center of the earth for yourself. Since I can’t yet I’ll have to get a report from you🥸

Is there intelligent life on earth besides humans? :thinking: Who said humans are intelligent?:wink: The scale is sliding, but all animals have a fear of death; even little fish are afraid of dying. Fish talk to each other. Trees send chemical messages to each other…

Many humans have different spiritual heritages and while the basic body is human, the soul can be unimaginably weird. I have seen this doing healing work and had it confirmed directly by other sources.

A homo sapien body seems to be the ticket for admission to the human game, nothing more, and the true self could be all manner of strange things.


Someone realizes it :tired_face:, some of us realize the human experience is nothing more than that and don’t deeply identify with it , it’s just a crossroads for any being to incarnate lol

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Indeed, this is exactly what they talk about in Forgotten genesis. Project Earth is about creating bodies that many different kinds of souls from al over the universe can incarnate into.


But it’s still incredibly beautiful. :relieved:


It’s got it’s highs and lows


how does one know if the soul is human or other?:thinking:

May manifest as certain psychic / spiritual abilities , ways of perceiving reality , being drawn to and understanding certain things about reality other people can’t see , these are all the things without doing divination

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Orc eh? There is this:

Another major author who used Orcs in their writings before Tolkien (not including the use of goblins) was the British poet William Blake. Unlike the medieval sea beast, or Basile’s and Tolkien’s humanoid monster, Blake’s Orc is a positive figure; the embodiment of creative passion and energy, Orc being an anagram of Cor, heart.

In Blake’s myth, Orc is seen as the first child of Los with Enitharmon and sometimes either replaced in that position by another or not mentioned as a child at all. … When Urizen seeks out Orc , Orc is freed as he changes into a serpent. The form is corrupted and he is turned into a satanic image.

image image image image

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learn to soul dive yourself. Examples of soul dives:

people in general seem pretty alien to me, their motives and rational behind the things they do most of the time i find bizarre. i think their are dis-embodied awareness that exist, that aren’t ghosts, entities or gods but other that observe us. people can roll their eyes and scoff all they want but i definitely believe in giants.

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Oh I saw this topic my first few days on the forum. But I have a long ways to go to be able to do that

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Lok’tar Ogar!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I’m pretty certain Transylvanian Sunrise is almost entirely fictional. The “secret chamber” theory has been publicly denounced for many years in Romania for being a way to attract more tourists there because the economy was struggling. It has long been proven that the Sphinx is only a bunch of different types of minerals that have eroded over time because of the climate there. There really aren’t any aliens in Bucegi and there’s no secret tunnel leading to Egypt, I wish there was but it isn’t…

Whales, dolphins, pretty much any animal.

bummer🤔 I like good sci-fi though. Still haven’t got this yet. Still have 60 books on my amazon shopping list🥸.

I first heard of Transylvania Sunrise on a radio station that normally doesn’t get into conspiracies. If it was Coast to Coast AM, I probably would have questioned it from the start😏.

has anyone tried scanning the center of the earth yet?:nerd_face: