Archangel Michael "angry" at me

About time someone said it.


There are many layers even to the simplest of questions.
The deeper you go, the less pairs of opposites you’ll find.
Don’t take those things too seriously. Hone your intuition, your magickal perception and all will be the One.
I admit that those cultural memes are hard to ignore; in such a case just give it a bit of raw analytical power and your doubts will dissolve.


Great and necessary distinction, Alita!
So much magick and ritual is lost on evoking general concepts vitalized by repetition.

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I’d now ask Michael to help banish the other entity if you’re unsure about doing it yourself.

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Oh hun, but was completely honest there.



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Who will be served by your sense of guilt?



It can’t be Michael. He has been with me before i suddenly and surprisingly connected to Belial and the other ancient gods, goddesses and demons. It’s a misconception many have and it’s because of what religious rigidity has taught us. It may sound crazy but angels and demons are not foes
they work together and can be invoked together. Sometimes though some of them may not gel with each other
for reasons I don’t know yet but Michael can’t do this. When I started working with Belial
I was uncomfortable that I would lose Michael and his presence but he was ok with it and stepped aside. Though I know he is there and I can connect anytime I wish to. So mamma Mary isn’t disappointed or anything. It doesn’t happen this way
just know this. If it’s a natural pull towards the demons and Father Satan
go for it without letting the popular myth of them being malevolent affect your psyche.


Well, Azazel, Lucifer and many other “Demons” are fallen Angels.
Now interpret fallen as you want,
according to bible it means they sinned against their creator / father by sleeping with human weman.
Now, that’s a little bit like treating a child equal to a pet if you ask me.
Does that mean the Angels forgotten their brothers and Sisters - pretty sure no.
And when we leave the Angelic view which bases on YHWH and look into the real Demons,
going before the God which led the Slaves out of Egypt (which does sound a lot luciferian, no matter how you try to change the picture, it just was an open attack against tyrany! -and it used pretty nasty warfare when needed),
well, then

you’ll find beings which hardly care how we call or see them,
by simply knowing how maluable our understanding is anyway.
Heck, you can even evoke several forms of the same Demon into one room,
and it doesn’t care.
I haven’t done that reseurch, but i believe Serpent’s key was the name, has.

By all means, have you ever heard the term “divide and conquer”?
It couldn’t be truer then when looking through history.

Or, to put it into very simple words:
How can YHWH,
if he’s the creator of all Earth and the inhabitants on Earth,
including all humans,
struggle and need 7 pluages to fight against the Egyptians,
which had other Gods they worshipped,
(like Amun, Ra, Set, etc.)
and India, - just for one example - still haves several Gods in worship,
even today,
so long after the creation of Earth?
Doesn’t the lies start to become obvious by the first comandment:
“You shall not have any other Gods besides me”???
You shall not, is a term which indicates it’s posibility, doesn’t it?
Can you forbid a thing which isn’t possible anyways?
Can you tell your dog, it’s forbidden for him to walk around on the Surface of an active vulcano?
No, the Dog wouldn’t be able to, as it’d be burnt instantly anyways.
So the God YHWH can only have one reason to forbid the Worship of other Gods:
Becouse they truely exist!

“for he’s a greedy god, and does not like to share his followers”

I’m sorry, i don’t remember the exact parchment.

And that’s the nice version. :wink:
If you consider YHWH to really be the one and only Existing creator and God,
that makes him an even Nastier, uglier creature to never ever want to be asociated with,
just looking at his own evidence. “Hey Cain, sacrifice Abel to me! - No, that’s just been a joke, c’mon, you really go along with any shit i tell you?? - your word created Light and our existence, so
 yaah, shouldn’t i assume your word to be trustworthy? and if not, what then?” :stuck_out_tongue:
“You’re all created in my image.
You all carry Sin just by getting born.
Well, let me send my son (techniquely me), to be slaughtered and celebrated as an Canibalic Rite of Flesh and Blood eating, as to forgive any Sin you do.”

 Don’t know how much credit anyone can give to that





I hate the Cain Abel story. Fucktard Abel can sit on his arse and herd the goats (it’s not that hard when they know you and you know how to use your staff or crook. It’s a fucking boring job tbh.

Now Cain
 with no known tools but his hands and rocks and sticks has to farm a garden or crops. Even with basic tools gardening is fucking hard work. You have to clear, to weed, til and til and til or turn the earth. You have to plant, fertilize and water. Etc.


the sigils in the archangels of magick by damon brand are the real ones or the egregore?


Everybody else is absolutely right, that spirit is a fraud.

Michael has always been a million percent cool with everything I do.


Mary will get over it I promise


I work with Demons AND with Saint Mary, and I can tell for sure there’s no problem at all.


You should do what you think is best .

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i miss uu