
Anyone here doing araneamagia? Which books/authors are the best?

To what level is it related to Godess Arachne Sepheranz? And Arachnid Lilith? For male witches is it Scorpion God Belial?

Agilleath Tiddehmos Tlyfos Belial
Lirach tasa vefa wehl Belial
Itz racha Belial :hearts:


Quick update Naamah too

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I’m curious where you got the term “Araneamagia”. To answer some of your questions though, I’ve found veeery little regarding Arachnids and Magick in books. There is a book called Spider Witchcraft by S. Rob on Amazon, however. I’ve not completely read it myself but I will here soon. But other than that, there’s The Scorpion God by Mark Allan Smith and Lilith - Her Rites, Masks and Manifestations by Daemon Barzai. That book on Lilith had a short chapter dedicated to Lilith’s Spider Aspect. It includes and invocation, Evocation, and meditation, as well as a sigil specifically Lilith’s Spider Aspect. With Asenath Mason’s newest book, Tunnels of Set I noticed she talks about Arachne a lot. One other thing regarding books, the author of Liber Hirudo, Oizus, was supposedly going to write a “spider book”. I tried looking for it but came up with nothing.

From my experience, it doesn’t matter what gender you are. I’m a dude and am heeeavily oriented with the Feminine divine aspect of the Arachnea current. So it ultimately depends on the person.