Appearances of Lucifer, Lilith, Beelzebub, and Kalfu?

I know there’s an older page with such things of all spirits people have seen but I would like to know these 4 specifically. Also I want to know who Kalfu is (I have never heard of him but I saw the images of similarities and was curious. So if anyone could add a quick description I’d appreciate it.

As for me. I often see Lucifer with blonde, nearly white, excessively healthy glowing hair that’s probably jaw length but is slicked back. Pale yet sun kissed skin (it’s hard to explain. I guess almost porcelain but with a hint of tan/gold) He usually is in a suit for me. Black suit but with purple tie. And impossibly blue eyes. He has a soft glowing aura of golden light. Also his energy is very relaxing yet also intimidating at the same time. He is about 6’ 3" and I think he’s muscled under the suit but I wouldnt know. The way he speaks to me is rather fatherly.

Lilith is fair pale skinned with fiery red waist-length hair. Her eyes are yellowish-gold with amber flecks. Her lips are natural apple red. She had black nails that are longer. I either see her in a red dress or a black one. Both same style of flowing material with flowing long sleeves. She is both lithe and hourglass shaped at the same time with long legs. And is always barefoot. She has a darker aura but I cant ever fully get a grasp on its color. Her energy comes off as very sensual and I suppose sly. I havent invoked her but I get feelings that are similar to visions. When I think of her I see her standing behind me, leaning with her arms laid atop my shoulders, hands crossed in front of me and face near my ear. Whispering into the right ear with a smirk. She also gives off a parential feeling but she scares me a bit more than I like. Probably because I’m a very shy person.

Beelzebub I cant ever think of an image of. Just a cluster of flies, really. He hasnt shown anything else to me.

And as I said previously. I have no idea who Kalfu is.

Sorry its descriptions and not images. Pictures dont do what I see any justice. And honestly. Neither did the words. But oh well. Anyways. Thank you for help.


Satan has a very strong feeling to him but I love him he is very understanding and helpful to me

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G-Eazy is Satan himself.


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Holy smokes you make a point there. However it is under my amount of knowledge that Lucifer, Lucifuge, Satan, and Sataniel are all seperate beings.


when i evoked Lilith a couple of weeks ago, when i closed my eyes i remember seeing her like this



she´s wonderful

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With your vision of lucifer what type of ritual did you perform? Was it for divination for near future events?

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It’s how he comes to me. He’s the only one I’ve ever invoked. I like him a lot and he’s very patient with me. He’s been somewhat distant lately but I sense he’s been busy. But I have suicidal tendancies and unlike what I’ve heard from others, he is very “gentle” with me. He doesnt drop me to the floor like others have. But he does make me vomit up the pills and suddenly I’m healthier than previous to the pills. And I cant even look at the suicide object without feeling the sick again. But yeah. He’s the only one I’ve invoked. I was going to with King Paimon. But I was concerned about being interrupted and causing him annoyance.

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That’s roughly the same as what I see, aside from color.

Your descriptions of Lilith and Lucifer line up with how they appear to me.


Lilith gives me the same feeling, sometimes it feels like I walk into energy and it her giving me a hug. She also protects me and has been known to tell other spirits to back off.

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Interesting, i have also invoked Lucifer (Baal) and he has appeared in several visions, one almost identical to yours with a young male with blond hair, pale complexion, wearing black.

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My impression of Lucifer. Although I perceived him having jet black hair, too.

Haven’t worked with any of the others.


These two photos are what I closet could describe Lilith as looking to me.


This is how Bael (aspect of Lucifer) comes to me as well. That’s an exact image.


I prayed to lucifer once and i had a dream vision of him…a very short one though…he appeared as a handsome man.

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Sataniel is one of the watchers! Sataniel is not lucifer

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Yes! Except his hair is much shorter. Never see him with black hair though.

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Yup I know. Lucifer is still an angel but on earth. He has been very busy lately though…

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Am I the only one who doesn’t picture an image of anything in human form, but rather FEEL the entity? Or almost “see” the essence of it rather than something solid.