Aphantasia cure help?

hey @killua @LucifugeAzazel what does this have to do with the original post?
Is it relevant? Helpful?
I honestly think it’s quite rude. You two should delete your comments. Did you see how hard the OP has worked and struggled? What is your point in these comments?


It actually does, because i struggle with the same kind of things where meditation and visualizing is either easily forgotten or i don’t believe i do it all together. I’ve explained this to the user i’ve replied to before that why i brought it up.

You really have given it a good shot!
Maybe you can ask for a scan and see if anyone picks up what the block is the spellcaster was referring to.
I cant help but wonder if visualization is not a developed sense, what is one of your stronger senses? Do you have an exceptionally developed sense to compensate?
If so maybe working with that sense until you can visualise. If you get really hard up for options a micro dose of lsd could kick start your visuals.

The people who know about these things can’t really talk about them out in the open. You’re probably what people in occult lodges refer to as an elemental. The only way for you to develop higher capacities is for you to be forcibly possessed by a very high-level being. Someone else would have to facilitate it. The experience is potentially traumatizing. Most of the people who know how to do it are only well-versed in sex magic, which would add to the extremity of the ordeal. In the present occult landscape, you would be at a severe risk of exploitation. You might be safer if you seek out Buddhist or Hindu teachers, but they can be dangerous too.

The more I think about this whole thing the more intrigued I am. I find this issue fascinating.
Also, in regards to LDS, I did some research and interestingly enough blind people do not see psychedelic images/geometric shapes in their mind when they are high, and people with only sight in one eye likewise still do not see 3d images when high. The geometry is flat. The LDS seems to act on what you have going on and not give everyone the same experience.
As a sighted person, physically and mentally, I see 3d (or maybe more) geometry with eyes open OR closed.

@Magickdog I feel like you are a superhero and you don’t even know it. There has GOT to be something unique and amazing going on with the abilities you do have. I know that’s not what you came here to talk about but sorry, I’m intrigued !

Edit: also tangent: Apparently blind people, if they became blind after birth, do not remember visual images. They dont remember what they look like or what blue looks like, etc. Very interesting stuff, brains.

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I don’t make up for it with any other senses either. I can’t imagine sounds, touch, smell or taste. I 100 percent think in words and i can imagine my own voice kind of. So to give an example if I want to experience the beach in the middle of a snowstorm but can’t go because it’s to cold so instead I try to just imagine the beach in my mind…I can’t imagine it at all. I can’t hear the seagulls or see the waves or touch the sand or smell the salty water…all I get is my own voice describing these things…like ok a beach has sand and salt water and all that but unless I’m physically At the beach…i can’t really do much using just my mind.

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What’s a scan?