I know of quite a few necromantic books, but advanced ones on the other hand. I’ll leave that to you to decide.
“The Witches Book of the Dead” - Christian Day
The Sabbatica series by Edgar Kerval
“Underworld” - Sepulcher Society
“Walking the Twilight Path” - Michelle Bellanger
“Honoring Death” - S. Connolly
“Necromantic Sacraments” - S. Connolly
“Keys of Ocat” - S. Connolly
“The Necromantic Ritual Book” - Leilah Wendell
“Blood Sorcery Bible” - Sorceress Cagliastro
“Summoning Spirits” - Konstantinos
“Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft” - Storm Faerywolf
“The Language of the Corpse” - Cody Dickerson
“Gateways of Necromancy” - Edgar Kerval
I’m probably forgetting some but there you go.
@C.Kendall Is also working on a necromantic book I believe.