Anyone have experience with physical shape shifting?

I’ve been told placing orgonite pyramids on all 7 chakras while visualizing shifting into your desired form works sometimes. Anyone else have any methods to shift height? I’m trying to decrease my height.

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Anything is possible if you believe in it. I am currently working to fix some underlying health concerns I let slide for too long. I’m convinced I’ll be successful. I am not doing this because I am unhappy with my body, but because I want to be healthy 110%. Work towards self love first, then if you wish, perhaps you could make an effort to be smaller. Honestly, rather than suggesting a demon for physical metamorphosing i would suggest simply finding comfort in who you are. It works wonders.

Rosier is a great spirit to call upon to that end. OR really any spirit you resonate with. Lilith has been a great help to me personally.