There are two different kinds of evocations that I do. There’s a regular one where I get into a trance state and soul travel and speak with whomever I’m evoking.
But, when I want a job done, I perform what I call a full ritual evocation.
It starts with my ritual potion, I already have a topic about its ingredients so I’ll just link to it here:
Next I mix fresh water from a natural body of water like a lake or a stream (alternatively, if you have a rain barrel, you may use water collected in that) and holy water which has been blessed by a priest. This is the offering to the angel in question.
Next, I set the circle. I begin by facing East, and I point with the middle and index fingers of my dominant hand toward the East and I say, “I invoke the power of Raphael, Angel of the East, stand guard in this circle.”
Then I turn to the South, still pointing with the index and middle finger of my dominant hand, and I say, “Michael, Angel of the South, stand guard in this circle.”
Then I turn to the West, still pointing my index and middle fingers, “Gabriel, Angel of the West, stand guard in this circle.”
Then I turn to the North, “Uriel, Angel of the North, stand guard in this circle.”
And I return back to facing East, I have now traced a complete circle with my index and middle fingers. I put them down and say, “Baruch ata [Name].” [bUH-rOOkh Aw-tAw] It’s Hebrew for Blessed be.
I chant the phrase over and over again until I feel the angel arrive. Then I give it it’s task, wait for a response, and then I send the angel away. Then I say, “I close this circle, angels be scattered to the winds.” And I pour the liquid offering into the earth.