Anyone experimented with Dimensional Jumping?

Why would you ever want to go there :face_with_raised_eyebrow: one of the constants of that setting is ‘using magic causes more problems’.

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I wanted to go their to escape from here lol. I thought that the magicians universe would be easier than this universe because of easier magic. You can literally do spells with hand gestures, but I heard that you could do that in this universe also. I realize that you can do a lot of stuff in this universe with magic if you set your mind to it.

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But I know someone who made it to the pokemon universe, his reddit name is dungjames I think


Same my buddy did, said Magikarp taste like bricks

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So what, she became an amalgamation of all the different demons, and lost her original self?

Or she just took on some characteristics, and her consciousness and original will is still there?

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I believe I have done this and the quantum theory messed me up so I can’t go back. Also what I did lead me to this forum and other things… Anyway soon as you jump into a different reality you completely loose your old world vastly changing everyone. Check out
Magus Zeta
Quantum Sorcery Basics


She has two sets of horns, 2 pairs of wings and sometimes scaley snake skin. Or she turns into a snake entirely. Her conciousness and will is still there with a lack of human morality. Its just like talking to myself but she doesn’t make her descisions or observations on a scale of good or evil, right or wrong. More in a practical way but she is very wise.

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So, she died, and her consciousness isn’t in the physical anymore, but in the astral. She sees through her astral eyes, thinks in the astral, moves in the astral, just as if she was in the physical - but she is a demon without human morality, because the human vessel was what gave the spirit inside the human-like qualities - and that is gone.

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Yes exactly. You explained it better than me.

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Yeah I’ve talked to him. It wasn’t that helpful, he said he just lucid dreamed to get there. And he said he wasn’t there that long.

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How do you dimension jump then?

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What can you do?

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I’ve some experience with the idea, though not their methods. The issue I have is with deciding if it’s that alternate realities are a thing, or if it’s just tricking the self into getting out of the way so that you can change reality on a global scale.

Like, for instance, I know for a fact that the human bone structure is different from how it was for me in the past. Not just by touch, but also be looking at skeletal models and anatomy text books. If that was picking an alternate timeline then that would be a really tricky thing to pull off, since you would have to go back millions of years to change those variables and then keep the present more or less the same. However, if it’s projecting a reality that is global in scale, then the inconsistencies go away.

I did talk to the guy behind that Reddit page before, Triumphant George, that seems to be his philosophy. That the self is essentially a god projecting the reality you observe, you are the dreaming idiot god at the center of the universe, and that by tricking yourself you can change the dream.


Nobody is at the “center of the universe” as that assumes that you are the only one who is real and everyone is a dream. Mind you, i wasnt even awarw of your existence before this and had been alive for 21 years before running into your post. there are a ton of scientific theories out there covering this stuff already in the qm world and the bulk of it mostly has to do with the many worlds theory. I know for a fact that i am real lol and its not healthy walking around thinking everybody are agent smiths from the matrix. The truth is that none of us are probably important at all. You only feel important because of your default brain network which ensures surivial. You are just a small piece of the universe experiencing life who will be recycled and do it again. The many worlds theory suggets that the universe “splits” at every action
This means everything down to a particle interaction creates a new universe. You, and the 7 billiom other people on this planet are constantly shifting every second of the day.

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You took that strangely personally, but okay. I was just making a Lovecraft reference, in any case chill out.

I’m not saying that I’m the only real person, nor am I saying that the world exists for my benefit, I’m saying that it’s not actually about alternate worlds nor about timelines, it’s about reality warping, manifesting results on a massive scale, classic magic. In that respect everyone alive is a contender for how the world gets shaped, changing the past, present and future. Originally I did think it had to do with alternate worlds, split time-lines and all that, but the inconsistencies were too massive.

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Its important to put value in yourself. Therefore you are the center responsible for yourself. You make the magick happen. You strive to be the Dominant Influence.

Dimensional Jumping is spreading influence beyond the self on more than one person. Its like making alot of deals to Co-create a specific reality using magick and other means. Its nothing really new, but just a simple understanding and mass replication of that.

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Think of it like it was always there in the same place, but now you’re just perceiving that reality instead of this reality.

It works best for those who can sufficiently detach themselves enough to let it happen.

There’s a western magical order dedicated to this kind of magic but I personally don’t use it.

“The Hawk and Jackal”, they created tesseract magic to perform their dimensional jumping.

I personally have done it both accidentally and on purpose. mostly small things change, a frequent smoker has suddenly never smoked in his life, people I don’t know suddenly know me and vice versa, books that never existed now exist, all that kind of stuff.

If you really want to get into this kind of stuff, Castaneda’s work would be good for it.


I once was staring at the mirror (experience aided with c3) and the spirits had featured me in one of their magicool tricks, performance magic. The trick lasted about 10 minutes and they had put me in a imaginary box and took me down this alley that look like the one featured in Harry Potter when hes off with Haggard buying wands. It was truly astonishing, so impressive. Only a moment in time, though, which is sad, but I’m glad I was there to be the sole witness. Hoping for an encore one of these days :wink:

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Was that double near you, or a distant one slowly lewering you towards it?

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Welcome @Bodhi-Alder. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have. It is a rule of this forum.

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