Anyone encounter the Demon 'Zozo' in their workings?

Yes you’re right! He goes by Zozo these days, I don’t know why guess he likes the name…? He’s lovely to work with.


I remember an episode of Ghost adventures when they had a guy saying he was possessed by him. I must research on Pazuzu, I just know he can cause and cure diseases.


He’s a raw force. And he’s VERY protective. You don’t screw around with him. I’ve encountered him by accident a bit more than a month ago and he’s in my heart since then. Literally :grinning:


I am intrigued. thank you


@AdamThoth your expertise is need :alien:


I knew that there was something people were hiding about Zozo.

Maybe I’ll make a call, see what he’s all about, at the very least, it should be interesting to hear what he says about the people that are scared shiftless about him.


No idea, everyone seems to have different experiences and different names for him b y what I can gather. He does have a fierce rep though

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I don’t think it’s a secret, I just found that AdamThoth had also the same experience about Zozo’s identity


True. Did you also notice that in the original Exorcist movie the little girl who became possessed was using a Ouija board in the beginning of the movie?

I’ve used Ouija Boards since I was 9. Never had a negative experience. Can’t say I have had a misleading one either.


Interesting. What have the boards revealed to you about the spirit world or death? anything interesting

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Actually, no. That was not how I was using it. I used it to devine rates in radionics on many occasions as it was faster and seemed more accurate than using pendulums or stick pads.

As a kid, we all used it for trivial issues like, “How am I going to do on my History exam?” I DID use one most recently to purposefully contact Belial to see how he felt about the terms of a proposed pact we agreed upon.

The trick with a Ouija Board is to be purposeful about WHO you are talking too. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to simply talk to whomever decides to come through. You can invoke specific entities and, in fact, I would suggest that be the ONLY way to use a Ouija Board. This idea that you put your hands on it and take what you get is the absurd and reckless.


Ouija boards fascinate me. My Mother has one from the 1970’s in her loft, the Original wooden ones marketed as board games. It told her I was coming 10 years before I arrived so I believe in them.

I have never used one since I was a drunk pre teen on Halloween and it scared us silly


I was never scared of them as I saw them as no more than another way of divination. Some prefer pendulums. Some like divining rods, others like Ouija Boards. I like the Ouija Board. They are easy to use. Answers are more easily understood and leave less room for doubt as well. But again, I haven’t practiced the prescribed (on the box instructions) to put my hands on it, ask a question, and take what you get method since I was a teen. I name the entity I want to speak to and make it clear that I am not asking for contact with anyone else, not even a spirit speaking in proxy for the one I asked for.


I’ve always found that a good amount of what you get out of it is determined by what you put into it.

So if you go in with just you and your three buddies giggling like a bunch of morons, and you start asking whatever to come through, whatever will come through.

However, as an experienced magician, you go in, you call a specific entity, you state who you are, and what you are, you state what your intentions are, you’ll generally have a pretty positive experience when playing around with Ouija boards.

That said, I don’t use them, simply because they take too long, and I’d much rather just bring the entity straight into my head so I can communicate with it directly.

I’m pretty sure that Pazuzu is cackling on his throne, watching people be freaked out about Zozo, and just feeding him tons of energy. That was a freaking awesome trick that he pulled.

That dude is truly boss…



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I had never heard this about Pazuzu. How sure are you? I always figured the whole Zozo/Zoso thing was bullshit.

I’ve had good and bad experiences with boards, but at all times it was an easy tool to obsess over. I learned how to communicate directly and haven’t used one in 25 years. It would still be easy to obsess over if I had a good partner and a good contact who facilitated the work, because it gives what appears to be objective answers, BUT there is that other person’s energy actually muddying the message, and so it creates doubts and you start to second guess yourself. I still like to collect them, though. I have an antique one with a wooden planchette. I use it as decor.

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There is a lady who collects them and has them on a wall. Tbh, if I had over 100 boards like her I would tool most of them to a specific entity. Being a tool you personalize them and keep them in good working order like other consecrated tools. I’d much rather have one built just for me since I’m a rather terrible craftsman. What wood? What artificer would make it? What ingredients to collect to use to consecrate and bind the tool to me?

I’m not going to go to Walmart and just pick up a made in China POS.

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Stated perfectly :ok_hand:

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Humm I used a oujia board my very first magical experience. I remember was around October/Nov last year waited till a full moon made a huge circle put two chairs away from each other. board was on a table had one of my buddies recording there was 3 of us. Anyway almost 2 -3 days before I drew up a sigil of king Beial. Was moving like crazy had to end the game got too intense this was my first magical experience


I’ve been working with ZoZo since July 2017. Since then 15 seperate entities have identified themselves to me as being part of the ZoZo collective. Pazuzu was one of them.