Anybody want to pitch in with an idea?

I’m or rather was a writer. Not published or anything, it was just a serious hobby that used to take up almost all of my time but last night my meditation reminded me of why I stopped.

I’m having trouble releasing my hold and creating freely. With some help and time, I may be able to get back there again but for now I remember a trick I used before: I would ask friends and others for ideas.

I think we should do that here too so that others that have trouble will be able to have some help.

So basically what I’m asking for is a scene. For example:

Your sitting in a chair in the middle of a room. There’s something there and you look to try to see what it is.

Nothing to detailed, leave them hanging, so that whoever reads it will have to create on their own based off of whatever scene they pick because you have to first learn to walk before you can run.

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And you see a crack in a wall.

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You wonder what could have caused it.


Same thing that started my addiction: No control.

With meditation and writing it’s both the same goal to lose control and trust in yourself to catch you so you can be freely see.

I’m afraid to take the dive unlike before trying to quit because now there’s nothing to fall back too.

I’m sure, with time, I’ll come around like everyone.

That’s an interesting bit of insight, but I was actually just adding to the story.

Also, I’ve recently started writing again as well. You can feel free to message me if you wish.

Ah sorry. Didn’t notice right off since subject was to create your own story but you guys are adding on and confused me since I didn’t pick up right off lol