Any tips for love spells?

Part of the reason we meditate, my friend. :wink:

Believe me, I meditate everyday and I still care :frowning:

Never is easy. It still isn’t for me but I have finally gotten to the point where I don’t let emotions control my life. 6-7 months of meditation. It is hard work, but it is 100% worth it.


Can’t wait to get to that point

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I have not done this myself because I am a male, but have you tried feeding him a Venus Cake along with your spell, or as a delivery method for it? I have heard this is some strong magick, even a liability in some cases.


The very first spell I ever tried was a spell to get an ex hook up back. We ended things not great, and the girl is literally gorgeous, 9 or 10 if you will, should bikini model, and has one of the hardest personality frames I have ever seen with extreme will power. Works out everyday and doesn’t touch a carbohydrate (that can depict how strong her will power is, that isn’t easy).

Anyway, about 4 months after parting I spoke to a witch and she gave me this spell.
-Wait until the middle of the night so they are asleep
-Use an 11 day red candle
-dress it with your blood (your menstrual blood if you’re a woman, regular blood if youre a man, I used semen) Damania, Deer Tongue, Orris Root, and Calamus Root.
-I added my own touch and took a strand of hair from a hoody she used to wear of mine and lined it from top to bottom of the candle into the semen before it dried
-I did the ritual at 3am while she was sleeping, and did a meditation on us having crazy sex (the sex was crazy good) and visualized what I wanted in the future but in present time, not as a want or desire
-I also did somewhat of a telepathy working where I imaged myself over her sleeping working my magic with my and on her head.
-After about 30 minutes of building energy of my intent and will I charged the candle with my hands for a good 5 minutes
-Then as the witch instructed, I masterbated to the image of me and the girls past and hopefully future sexual experiences, and upon climax (yes this takes some multi tasking) I lit the candle and imagined the energy flowing into the flame

The next day the girl began liking my Instagram pictures (we had 0 contact and she did not like one photo again until this day) but I could never get her to call me (she is SO stubborn and always said I WILL NEVER CHASE). But clearly I was on her mind. Not bad for a first attempt at magick, ever.

This never fully manifested as I was stubborn and wouldn’t call her, but I ran into her at a Wal-Mart with new boyfriend (makes sense why she didnt call)

ATTEMPT 2: I evoked Zapar, and he willingly told me it would be done. The next day I was on a date with a different girl, and the girl spitting something out of her mouth that was so ridiculous (as if she would have never say something like that, she even seemed confused) that I didnt go to her apartment like we planned and I left. I randomly called my roommate samantha and asked what she was doing, she was at one of our local bars, guess who was there. My girl. She was all over me, wasted drunk, and so was I.

Unfortunately my roommate turned out ot have a crush on me and said something to the girl that totally pissed her off and left. But let me tell you, next day running into her… VERY IRONIC… Both attempts had next day results and were both negatively influenced because she is extremely stubborn, and outside forces were there. But I didnt put much work into everything after that. Had the circumstances been different, and if the girl had been a weaker minded individual, I believe these would have worked for any of you out there wanting their exes back or for someone to fall in love with you.

Good Luck


Dude same here! Been dating this Indian girl for 4 years. Known each other since 14 back in high school. We stopped seeing each other from time to time but always came back (without any spells). Lately we broke up because of some family issues; that we shouldn’t be dating because we’re too different (Mexican) but honestly we are exactly the same except for some stupid idiotic social norms programmed in her mind (Indian customs are just primitive)… so I’ve done a love spell on her before which took forever to work (as a newbie I was hurt! Lol) and just a few days ago I decided to follow the left hand path. I made a deal with lucifer… and I’ve made sigil for Dantalion to change her mind, bring her to me ( for relationship and sex) and to keep her parents mind away from our business and hers…

How do I know that dantalion is receiving my messages? I focus on the outcome and how it will happen. Does anybody here know Dantalion? Can you ask for me as a intermediary. I ask with respect and have given blood to lucifer as well as Dantalion. Also by the way I did my first actual black magick love spell with a picture of hers with blood and semen.

How long should I wait?

Sorry for it being so long we also got in an arguement (kinda big) and she blocked my number… I would like for people here to assist me in this

She’s the Love of my life. I I was also her first and still am! So I know that she carries around her aura my DNA…

Can anyone assist me? You may ask questions as well I invite all help!! Thank You.[quote=“Zach_attack, post:2, topic:13258, full:true”]
EAs love spell works very well I tried it on a high class Indian girl that no matter how much I flirted she would ignore me and hide inside her hostile friend circle after trying eas spell multiple times on her she told her friends I was appearing in her dreams and wanted to find out where I lived so we could meet up and I could get her pregnant so my tip is cast it multiple times on one target after about five times they will crave you like a tasty snack :smiling_imp:

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Which of the EA books that Contain love spell?

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Wow bro we both like spicy cultures anyway for a long time I had no answer for ya but I found something be careful though cause I found out if she figures out she can build spiritual immunity which in my girls case i realized too late but fuck that as you gain power your energy will reach further and harder

First build up tension tease her through text or something make an effigy of her any kind will work
Next you’ll need this gate seal

The realm you are tapping into is called eldressa as pronounced El DRESS UH
To open the seal focus on passion sex lust and fire then recite the incantation

Zanish kaltakra invar olo eldressa
Zastera atu Konvogoal rios eldressa
Zanish kaltakra invar olo unste
Zastera atu konvogoal rios dolsek eldressa
You’ll need black string and cloth draw blood and mark her throat minds eye pussy and heart

After that masterbate to Indian porn or something before orgasm picture her submission to you and shout may shan darashayoon comandera esa

Make sure semen gets on the effigy wrap it up tight but not too tight and cover it up

And wait for the effects it works based on passion wait a week and redo the ritual as often as you want but after a week it usually starts to weaken if you wait too long she will build immunity

Little tip keep it hidden and the more you do it the effigy will charge up like a battery


hey zach, i would like 2 perform a love spell on this girl i like at camp, any advice?
Also how can i perform a love spell/ritual?
She only likes me as a friend.

A helpful tip I can give especially if you were friend zoned is have some venom in the cobra if ya catch my meaning write her name on some paper the hold your right hand over the flame of a single candle and focus on the love/lust felt as if she’s in front of you this will cause an erection normally but don’t focus too hard or you’ll cream yourself to get her to have erotic dreams took me 5 times on the same target each ritual is performed once or twice depending on skill level but I recommend 5x total


thanks zach, illl let ya know if it works

should this be done with the same candle each time, or should you use a new candle each time you do it? also do think it should be done for more than five times if the target is at a farther location?

I’m from Brazil and I’m a beginner I want to attract women

I’m from Brazil, does not wearing deodorant help attract women?

Existen muchas manera de poder realizar los hechizos de amor, en este utilizando alguna ropa interior o prende de vestir, ayudara en mucho al hechizo y tendrán resultados muy efectivos.

Hell no. Especially not in the middle of summer.

As far as being “friend zoned” goes, we females don’t like being “fuck zoned”, so find someone who is attracted to you instead of griping about someone who isn’t.

Estás en lo correcto; publiqué sobre el uso de ropa interior y calcetines en otro hilo.

Welcome @Alexper34. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum. Also, be aware that this is an English speaking forum, so please make your introduction in English.

Don’t force them to make them love you. It really gets to a point of diminishing returns, and is just plain messy in general as well as a dick move. Not to say there aren’t work-arounds. Use a spell to boost how attractive you are, or perhaps a “right-place-at-the-right-time” type of luck spell to put yourself right in the best situations to win their favor.