Any magical remedies for premature ejaculation and not being able to get hard

Hi is there any magical remedies for premature ejaculation and not being able to get hard?

I don’t really wanna take pills from the doctor. Maybe i might be open to supplements or herbs that work?

A working combining Marbas and Asmodeus, might help.
If you are familiar with chakra work, working on the lower chakra’s and perhaps the kundalini might help
No fapping for a good while, could help (It’s good advise anyway for anyone in the occult, since it preserves and raises your sexual energy)
Any supplements or herbs that help overall blood flow, might be beneficial.

If the not getting hard is more of a mental thing and not only something physical
Next to just hardly any to no fapping at all to reserve or raise your sexual energy up more. You could also use masturbation as practice to get hard, stay hard and to practice holding off an orgasm. (instead of just a quick release to be able to get on with your day, as most of us do)


Get checked by a doctor to make sure there is nothing physically wrong.

Meditate and do breathwork to alleviate stress (stress can be a major factor in impotence)

Engage in resistance training and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Circulate your energy regularly.

Visualize having sex with your favourite celebrity while masturbating (my clinical psychology professor, who was also a certified sexual therapist, advised this with her clients).


You could try using the uruz rune, paint it on your left thigh with iodine.