Any ideas what this sigil is?

Hey guys, a friend of mine channeled a sigil the other day. I am pretty sure that I have seen it somewhere but I have no idea where. Doea anyone know what it is? Doea it remind you of something?


they kind of look like runes. Futhark.
fehu, jera, gebo and kinda looks like uruz too.


Thanks. I have no idea anything about runes. Guess we have to research them a bit

I only see jera. Maybe those other two are connected runes but I don’t know why they’d do that. I guess It’s art so it doesn’t surprise me.

I dont know the spiral thing. Part of it might be nawthis or however it’s spelled. The other one looks like gebo and something else, but honestly? Runes are made with sharp STRIKES. Like straight lines, no curves usually.

But one thing is for sure, that’s jera.


The line might be Fehu and anzus. Maybe.


Jera means cycle, year, harvest. Gebo usually means relationship, or gift, or partnership. Uruz means raw strength and determination, so it doesn’t make sense to be uruz

But fehu is financial power, and anzus is balance. So I’m thinking this is a money rune tablet.

The spiral might mean infinity.

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Fehu looks like this

Fehu - Norse Runes symbol - Symbolikon Worldwide Symbols

Ansuz is this. Look familiar?

Ansuz - Norse runes symbol - Symbolikon Worldwide Symbols

I get a sense of raw power and enlightenment from the sigil.

This could be spiritual power then? i don’t know but the symbol to the top left feels totally different.

Like a sexual energy? But not quite.

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The spiral kinda remind me of this


Might be a binding sigil like