Any help with the Kundalini

i did in the initial explosion of the energy. it went back and forth from extreme bliss and fear. now the energy is in the lower areas. im saying i dont want to experience the bliss again because it will be inevitable that it will raise into the higher chakras and there is no stopping it. i hate thst drugged up feeling it is the absolute worst . your mind literally dissapears and you can’ think for anything. i swear kundalini awakening is one of the worst things

You act like I’m telling you what you should and shouldn’t do which is absolutely not the case.

You brought up the fact that people say Kundalini changes our likes and dislikes and I expanded on what transformation and reaching our best possible selves, something that Kundalini awakening and raising is supposed to, means when it comes to attachments. Changing is not a negative thing. In going through a truly intense spiritual path we will experience changes, and these changes are growth, like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. This means we think about things in a different way and sometimes realize that what we have prioritized or desired in life isn’t worth as much as we thought it was. What we are raised to think and value and want might not be what we think and value and want going forward.

If you don’t want to work with your Kundalini energy because you don’t want the transformation aspect that comes with it then it’s your choice to stop. @Lady_Eva gave some advice on something you can try besides a Kundalini raising if you choose.

But the hostile attitude is completely uncalled for and needs to cease.

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you mentioned the hostile attitude the first time and i stopped. The last question i asked you as nicely as possible so how can i further remove hostility if there is absolutely none. Repeating things for no reason. And when it comes to change, ill be fine the way i am, im going to travel and do whatever i want. I wont fall into whatever other people say is best for me. I just want freedom