Anime mythology

How would you feel about an anime that portrays a new myth every episode?

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Most myths, as have been passed down to us, are very short, so they would have to be short episodes. Between all the blood and sex I can’t imagine that it would be a very child friendly show either. There might be some issues if you played the myths out of context as well, like a Mesopotamian one one ep and a Hindu one the next, since people would have no idea who the figures were in such a case. You’d probably also have to do it like an oral history (narrator more than character dialogue).

In principle though, it could be cool.

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It wouldn’t be for kids. The myths would be kept as they are. Some episodes would have several segments.

Wasn’t there already a TV show with the same premise. Where their father went missing so they had to go through all these myths to find him or something?

I think instead of an episode, they should just do a season dedicated to one mythology.


I remember watching an anime about Japanese urban legends (though there were some more traditional tales too) Each episode was one tale. It was pretty good so I see no reason why an anime about myths in general couldn’t be just as good. Or better…or crap. It all depends on the execution rather than the premise


Bold of you to assume that anime doesn’t already have blood and sex. And is only marketed towards children.


Oh, I am fully aware of what anime has and has always had. But when most people think of animated versions of mythology they think “educational programing” and that generally is aimed for either a general or younger audience.

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I’d love to see the goddesses of various cultures turned into waifus!

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No, I’m thinking something that is purely young adult.

I found it, MythQuest!