Angels of the 72-Fold Name of God, a Finished Thread

It is still intense to scrutinize, but not so much this time.

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Tonight was the sixty-sixth invocation, of Menakel (Manakel).

The corresponding Goetic was Cimejes (Kimaris).

It went well again, and the effects are setting in a lot more quickly than some of the previous invocations.

Here’s the ring.


Just finished the sixty-seventh invocation, of Eiael.

The corresponding Goetic was Amdusias.

It went well, and I’m excited. This is the last week before the closing ceremony of this operation. It’s gonna be great.

Here’s the ring.


Tonight was the sixty-eighth invocation, of Havuiah (Hahniah).

The corresponding Goetic was Belial.

I’m so close now, only four more invocations to go before the closing of the operation.

Here’s the ring.


I just finished the sixty-ninth invocation, of Rochel.

The corresponding Goetic was Decarabia.

Only three more invocations left.

Here’s the ring.


Just finished the seventieth invocation, of Yabamiah (Jabamiah).

The corresponding Goetic was Seere.

Another good invocation. I’m feeling awesome.

Here’s the ring.


I had time, so I went ahead and finished the seventy-first invocation, of Hayiel (Haiaiel).

The corresponding Goetic was Dantalion.

Another smooth and powerful invocation, and I am so hyped. Also, only one invocation left before I close my operation.

Here’s the ring.


So I noticed something interesting, when I started the invocations, I would be gazing upwards as I invoked the angels… But as I got further along, my gaze kept getting less upwards and more forwards during the invocations. As if I’m slowly rising up to the level of the spirits I am working with.

I am kinda giddy as fuck about how close I am to finishing this. Both about the act of completion, and how insane the results of this whole thing might be.


One more to go :smiley:

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Yeah, tomorrow is my last invocation before the closing rite for the operation.

I gotta figure out the exact steps of the closing still, but that should be fairly easy. I’ll have 2 days before I actually do the closing to plan it all out.

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I’ve been following your journey and Im quite excited to hear about what follows in time to come. Best of luck :pray:t3:

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Tomorrow will be my last invocation before the closing rite.

The closing rite will be really intense.

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Just finished the final, seventy-second, invocation, of Mumiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Andromalius.

I’m feeling particularly giddy at the completion of this. And this invocation feels like a perfect capstone to the long twelve weeks of invocations I just finished. I can’t wait for the closing ceremony on Monday.

Here’s the ring.


Oh, i can’t wait for it! :slight_smile: I am so curious of effects of your work.

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Gazing at the ring, it seems to be…breathing. Makes me really lightheaded.

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Same, I can’t wait to see what the effects of this will be.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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I would say it’s a good thing. My shield makes me very insensitive to external energies so if gazing at the pic of the ring makes me lightheaded, it means it is really packing some serious power.

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Well, the ring is being a physical anchor for the manifestation of the invocations, but it’s more of a just there than anything important… So if the least important part of the whole thing is making you lightheaded lol…


Actually a minor correction on that last part, the ring is an easy way for me to anchor my working from the microcosm into the macrocosm. Basically means it can affect the external more strongly than without the ring.

That said, the ring still isn’t the point of it all.

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So I’ve got the main points of the ritual worked out, and I am about ready for this. It will be particularly interesting to see what comes of this, and I feel that it will be quite overwhelming, in a good way.

Stepping up as the Angel of the Path to the Throne of God, invoking myself and starting the process of unification. It will be wild.