Angels of the 72-Fold Name of God, a Finished Thread

My bad. I must have missed the info. Thanks!


It’s cool man. But I’m glad that you are following this whole thing.


Just finished the fourth invocation, of Elemiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Gamigin.

It feels interesting, because one of the powers of Elemiah apparently is to find new methods to achieve goals, and I just had an opportunity for something out of the blue.

I feel like there’s a twisting spiral inside myself, a cyclone from the ground below me all the way to the ceiling of the sky far above. It’s an odd feeling, but it is a good sign.

Here’s the ring.


That spiral cyclone thing is more of a beam of light kinda. It feels like it’s lost a lot of energy, but it’s actually that I’m closer to it’s level of power so it feels weaker than initially.

It’s a good sign. I am remembering what I’m supposed to be and getting into it.


Just did the fifth invocation, of Mahasiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Marbas.

It went well, I can, as with the previous, feel the changes occuring. It’s a bit strange, because it feels almost like heartburn kinda, except instead of irritation, more like something is growing within my core and stretching everything around it. When I try to probe the space inside myself, it makes me shudder, like it arced off a bolt of lightning and it passed through my body, everything spasmed. It feels like my less physical aspects are shifting to accommodate whatever it is. Seems like a good thing.

Here’s the ring.


An update, the thing in my core hatched into a serpent, latched onto my crown then wrapped around my spine down to my root, then it replaced my spine with it’s tail all the way up to its head so it’s eating it’s tail at my crown, all the while merged with myself.

It brought to mind two things when this occurred, the caduceus staff, and the ouroboros.


Finished the sixth invocation, of Lelahel.

The corresponding Goetic was Valefor.

It went well. Immediately, my vision feels weird; everything looks the same, but it feels more vivid or something. Not only that, but my brow, crown, and throat are buzzing like crazy. And it feels like something is about to sprout out of my back and shoulders kinda… Maybe I’m getting wings?

I’ll keep you all posted.

Here’s the ring.


Tomorrow is my day of rest, so I’m gonna try to really examine myself and see what has changed within myself.


Today was the seventh invocation, of Achaiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Amon.

Things have been getting interesting, I’ve been finding myself almost randomly ungrounding, and my presence is all over the place. I also think I might have wings that are sometimes there and sometimes not. As far as this last invocation though, I’m noticing more of the ‘something is different, but I don’t know what’ like one of the other invocations. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Here’s the ring.


It seems my presence is balancing out a little bit. Less spontaneous bursts of being very ungrounded and more of a constant being slightly ungrounded. My presence is actualizing it seems.


I just completed the eighth invocation, of Cahetel.

The corresponding Goetic was Barbatos.

The invocation went smoothly. My brow is buzzing strongly, and the sight of my mind’s eye is spinning a little, while also appearing like a computer game with the fov slider set to 140 degrees. I feel waves pulsating from my brow through my body, down my spine, and out my feet, while simultaneously blasting out of my crown.or maybe in from my crown?

In any case, it’s pretty weird feeling.

Here’s the ring.


My mind’s eye seems to have stabilized a little; it still feels like it has a wider field of view, and it’s only slightly spinning now. The other effects seem to have calmed down.


Not sure if it’s related but I’ve been having pretty strange dreams lately. Nothing really symbolic of anything as far as I can tell, more like ‘wtf u on about mate, dun u kno day ur suppost tuh be sleepin’.

It’s funny because I usually don’t dream. So for the past five or so nights having weird dreams that are a bit fucked up is strange.


I just finished the ninth invocation, of Heziel.

The corresponding Goetic was Paimon.

As far as the invocation, it went smoothly. As far as the results of said invocation, my brow is buzzing and my heart/solar plexus area is buzzing too. It feels like I have a crown around my head, a subtle squeezing around forehead height all around my head. I’m not sure how else to describe it, as that is the only thing that comes to mind trying to.

In any case, here’s the ring.


First of all, let me talk about the dark mother… She has many names… Gabriel… The stories are circumstance at best… The 72… What does that mean? Ancient ones, I call to the… Possess me please… Dark and light are in the soul… I sit here to let you know… I take it in, everything I can… Show me… I beg… Please…I beg of thee…

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Why do you keep posting your ring?

Also, why are you invoking the Geotic spirit first?

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He’s posting the ring so those interested can scan it and note the energetic changes after each invocation.


The invocation of the corresponding Goetic spirit is just a part of what I’m doing. I’m not completely certain as to why, but I have a pretty good idea. Basically, it’s to provide a base for the manifestation of the results of the working, like gas in a car to make it go.

The whole working was given to me by the spirits I’ve worried with so…


Today was the tenth invocation, of Eladiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Buer.

So I was feeling slightly ungrounded before I did the invocation today, and afterwards, I now feel like I’m super ungrounded but also super grounded. Everything is both where it physically is and super far away at the same time. Besides the whole weird sort-of ungrounded thing, I feel a subtle joy creeping into my awareness, one that is alien to my normal thought process. It’s not invasive or anything, but it’s got me smiling even though I don’t feel any of the usual emotions that make me smile. And now I’m laughing for no reason…

Yeah, I need to let the effects settle in before I get too in-depth with what is happening as a result of this invocation.

Here’s the ring.


what is endgoal of you heightened state ?

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