Angels of dayside and nightside

Do you feel that the work with the fallen angels or entities like Hecate prevent one from working with angels of the dayside? Some people say that in order to work with a class of entities you have to become aquainted with them, to be somewhat like them. So, if we work with more teluric forces like in TOAF would it not prevent us from working with the cosmic forces of the dayside? Some say that if you become Baal Shem (Master of the Name) you also become Baal Theli (master of the dragon), but that people who work with the dark side and become masters of the dragon, don’t become masters of the Name. People say a lot of things:-) But I would like to know about personal experiences here, not theory. Do people in TOAF work with daimons and angels alike?
I had a inner experience in a dream…I was in a kind of Hell and some figures there sitting by the walls frightened me and so I experienced for the first time the “breath of the dragon” throwing flames at them. They were not burned, and I felt they were not a threath, but then, when I tried to ascend to the empyrean realms, I was stopped by some people or angels flying in the air…

Also, whats meant by “ascension” here?

Congratulations for your work Asenath!

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No, Haven’t had that issue so far.

I walk both light and dark paths.

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Including Draconian path


As far as I remember, I’ve already answered a similar question either here on the forums or in my BALG videos. The short answer is: no, there are no reasons why you shouldn’t try working with both. How this goes, is another thing, because both paths take time and dedication and it’s not always possible to embrace both at the same time. You can work with a lot of paths and magical traditions and get a glimpse of all of them, but to get to the root of the power and potential they hold, you need to dedicate yourself to one that you feel works best for you.


I just love your books! Keep doing your thing, lady!

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I second that! I’ve changed and grown so much with the Lucifer chronicles, and Draconian rituals, in fact the combination has helped me progress so noticeably my Christian parents not only support but enable my practice , one year of dedicated practising has not only begun to reveal hidden abilities but has set me upon a path I feel I have walked b4…feels like home while engulfed in the Dragons flames.:smiling_imp::grinning:

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I work mainly with the AA system, and that allow us a great deal of Liberty:-) However, the draconian rituals seem to have a kind of primal force that allow me to have access to deep resources inside… However, we take care because we don’t want to offend any deity:-( Thanks for the reply!!