Angels, Archangels - And Parasites?

Creating a stub to move some posts to, branched off from:

I would like to offer this for your consideration, but it takes a much different track: Consider that we are a “step” closer to the infinite darkness, a supremely more powerful entity, even in our slumber, than any of these various other jealous parties would like for us to remember. Like true parasites, they wish to feed off of our power, which they do through their tools of deception. If they can get you to fear them, adore them, hate them, worship them, evoke some passionate emotional response regarding them, then they have successfully gotten you to serve up a plate of your finest, and will be back for seconds. This, for obvious reasons, can be used to maximum benefit to yourself and/or those you protect, when you are ready to start using it as a technique to ensnare them to do your bidding. Much like bribing your friends with beer + bbq when you need a bunch of heavy lifting done. Just be careful they don’t attempt to move to your house. As further allegory, a friend of a friend is a native of the Amazon; he hunts anacondas. His method? He will thrash around in the water like an animal that is stuck in the deep mud beneath. He will let the snake attack and begin to consume him, feet first. Now that the snake is fully committed to consuming him and not in a position to fight, he finds himself in the perfect position with the perfect opportunity to cut the head of the snake. These envious parasites wish to have us believe they are the ones in control; they prey upon you through whatever it is they’ve gotten you to believe that puts you in the position of handing over whatever they desire, carte blanche. Your power is a whole dimension’s worth, at the very least, more powerful than their’s. Not to be rude, but I would think that instead of trying to figure out what smells they may or may not like, your time would be better served putting their asses on notice.

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I think you have a pretty messed up opinion about what angels are, but it doesn’t matter what I say you’ll only think I have been deceived by them already.
Not everyone likes angels, and not everyone is liked by them, so you do you.
But comparing them to parasites who just want your power…how weak do you think they are that they are in need of feeding from us?
I suggest freeing yourself from the black and white/good and bad dogma, have an open mind and make your own experienced rather than listening to what friends of your friends tell you.


This is correct for some, and not for others, and here you have the war in heaven in a nutshell. Using more modern names, Jehova, (the “worship me and only me cos I said so” guy) is the former, Azazel (the “don’t worship, here’s tools, here’s knowledge, you are at the top of the hierarchy” guy) is the latter.
I don’t go with the whole “darkness” romance, since I actually see the Jehova, archons, controllers and minions as being the evil and ‘dark’ here, and most “demons” are not - they’re on my side, of freedom, ascension, sovereignty and personal responsibility, and I’m technically “of the light” while being an incarnate “demon” myself - but also, it’s just more complicated and nuanced than yin vs yang. And a lot of real, physical history has been suppressed or lost.

But the true parasites of humans are other humans, in league with the jealous, psychopathic ones, we’re easily strong enough to throw off anything else when we are not lied to, controlled by organised religion and the knowledge hidden. A population of awakened with Siddhi’s cannot be controlled, a population of the unskilled is easy to control.

I like you :slight_smile:

Just to mention, political discussions are banned on this forum. The worldly manifestations of all of this are off limits.


Thanks for your response Helena. Of course, I am always prepared to be wrong and have my paradigm challenged, after all, a lump of iron doesn’t become a work of art by lying in the ground. I have spent the better part of the last 50 years (I’m 48) challenging, testing, and burning to the ground everything I come to believe to see what gold remains, and will continue to do so. I would hope that you continue to provide yourself the space to do the same.

Absolutely. But in my experience people are diverse, have diverse origins, diverse meaning and diverse energy signature. Some are drawn towards darkness, some feel better working with light, and some are neither. Light and darkness are merely two elements among others, they do not equal good and bad.
So while you may not like working with angels, and may not like their energies, other might find their meaning in working with them.
Again, comparing them to parasites because they do not fit into your personal way of life, is pretty one sided.


Thanks for your input! I think that any or most of the differences we might have are tied to semantics. I absolutely agree that that YHWH and his faction are absolutely evil and constantly vying for control over what they inherently know to be a substantially more powerful being, us.

I see the light vs. dark conundrum in terms of physics. Consider the physics of sound: a sound wave that is buggering about at 20Hz is vastly more powerful than one vibrating at 20kHz. The low frequency sound wave has a wavelength of 50+ ft. The high frequency wavelength is measured in the 1000ths of an inch, or more. Low frequencies can be felt moving through the earth, whereas high frequency is stopped by a thin wall.

Obviously both are essential, combined with a third, a mid frequency, that places within your grasp the power of creating reality. All three working in concert makes you a vessel of absolute power and knowing, playing out against the backdrop of Nothingness or what I misleading refer to as the dark. The problem I’m realizing is that in using that term (which I might often be doing to ‘start fires’?), for many light vs. dark is instantly equated with good vs. evil, angels vs. demons, this ‘god’ vs. that ‘god’.

I should provide a slight separation between this talk of energies and beings. These beings, going by many names, are usually from ‘higher’ dimensions, dimensions of higher frequency, which is an area of ever-increasing levels of knowledge, the lower dimensions provide ever-increasing levels of power, which I’ve been referring to as the dark. The beings of the higher realms of frequency, ‘light’, have an inherent envy of our closer proximity to Power, and constantly seek to partner with us, or trick us to provide them access to an increased level of Power. We can use these partnerships to our advantage obviously, and it doesn’t need to be all gloom and doom, just realizing that every one of us beings from any dimension has an agenda.

Our quest for absolute knowledge is made substantive by accessing absolute power through the conduit of our emotional body, providing absolute manifestation. These bodies we have house the three attenuators of which our work as magic(k)ians concentrates: the sexual body (root), the emotional body (heart-linkage), and the mental body (seat of knowledge). What path you have is determined by what is weakest and out-of-balance. Someone with a weak sexual force would do well to engage in some sort of cultivation or partner with an incubus/succubus. Someone with a weak intent (concentration, mental force) would likely begin exercises to train that intent, and/or partner with some being of ‘light’. I acknowledge a damaged and undernourished emotional body for various reasons, and I am actively seeking the correct ‘training’ and nourishment, as well as figuring out who to partner, or ally myself with.

In the spirit of greater understanding with each other…

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Yes, you’re right. For me to lump them all together as “parasites” was an error on my part. Taking your point into consideration should lead me to what might be closer to the truth of the matter, that some or many of them would merely like to partner with us, them being from a dimension closer to absolute knowledge, and us being from a dimension closer to absolute power. An exchange and a balance of interests/agendas benefits both!

Thanks for helping me make greater sense of it.


I find thoughts like this stem from residual religion trauma that a handful on this forum still suffer from in various levels so they think the actual beings care how they view the religion itself which again is also to generalized to base and judge off the actions of your own previous circle.


Well, the power in a sound wave is related to it’s intensity, or amplitude, no? Not so much the frequency. You can have a very quiet 20Hz that’s inaudible with negative decibels and not intense at all, or 20kHz at 200 decibels and go deaf. (Both these represent the ends of the human audio spectrum so they can hear both).

playing out against the backdrop of Nothingness or what I misleading refer to as the dark

Ok, I think I call this yin, for exactly the reason you mention, that the term ‘dark’ means different things to different people and can confuse the conversation. Especially on a forum like this one, where for many the term comes with romantic notions, like “I am a Child of the Darkness™” which is nice and poetic but relies on unspoken assumptions about the specific underlying belief system to be understood.

I like the term yin because is pretty unambiguous, and if not commonly understood it’s easy to explain. It’s also relative not absolute, which is important and useful.

A vacuum is about as yin as you can get, if that’s what you mean by Nothingness.

These beings, going by many names, are usually from ‘higher’ dimensions, dimensions of higher frequency, which is an area of ever-increasing levels of knowledge, the lower dimensions provide ever-increasing levels of power

Yeah there’s no direct relationship between power and frequency, in physics, and I’m not sure it’s true that higher dimensions are always higher frequency, but the question is frequency of what? I would call this your personal cosmology and let you be with that.

@Lady_Eva this thread is getting derailed, could I request a thread split into it’s own topic at all?


Trauma? Maybe. But more like buyer’s remorse mixed with a little self-loathing that I would have wasted some years in my youth on such a vain and self-serving ‘diety’; and likely more accurately what the minions and taste-makers of the representative religion have turned him into. Any being that would need or desire my adoration has an underlying weakness that is repulsive. It was, without doubt, a necessary part of my own continuing narrative. But sure, they are just words on a page, who wrote them and why? We, being a biologically based lifeform are subject to the Sirens of the pecking order, and wish to spread our influence to others, it’s natural. Just having low-key (Loki) conversations such as this illustrates that biological dictate.

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I’ve moved this new strand of the conversation here folks. :sunny:

@Mulberry @serpentborn

So, carrying on, since I can’t agree with the premise that lesser entities are more powerful, and lower dimensions are not more or less powerful, this doesn’t add up for me. It’s just not that easy.

You can get some very ‘dark’ entities in the ‘higher’ realms. E.g. Ahriman, and Jehova of course, the self described “Jealous god”, where we recognise as humans that jealousy is a ‘lower vibrational’ emotion. Being an entity that exists in the 6th and higher dimensions doesn’t mean they are restricted in power, and entities in the lower dimensions can exhibit nothing but love, the highest vibration.

Our quest for absolute knowledge is made substantive by accessing absolute power through the conduit of our emotional body, providing absolute manifestation.

Ok, I’d suggest you need all the bodies working in unison, they all connect to allow the energy flow between the physical and spirit. The reason being this manifestation itself … the bodies manifest energy to each other, so if you have a physical or mental imbalance, that will have a knock on effect in the emotional body and vice versa.

The other mokker to the “absolute power” thing is that you are not your own being really, rather, the entire universe is you, so at some point you start hitting against other decisions you made as yourself in other manifestations, and a balance has to be found. This is why there’s no absolute power for a person operating from the singular ago state. It works ok up to a point but you can only go so far with the individual stuff before you get into ‘samadhi’ and you’re don’t care any more. Depends what you’re trying to do, I guess.