Angels and demons

I think that is the better question.

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I believe your intentions automatically suggest the right spirit for it… wouldn’t make sense to call an Angel to separate a couple or a Demon to fix a family issue… technically it would work, but it may cause subconscious problems because the nature of the spirit itself will remind you of a “possible” conflict. Causing the work to backfire.

Working with Gods and Goddesses would be more clear, I think. For example, calling Thor the God of thunder to heal a disease doesn’t make sense, I mean it’s obvious from their abilities or personality what you should call them for. Doesn’t matter if it’s good or evil purpose as Gods operate beyond our limited understanding of such ideas.


KING Paimon.


I believe angels are higher vibrational spirits dedicated to preserving cosmic systems. Demons however are lower vibrational spirits who cause and create change.


That’s about right.

The only real difference:
Demon: yin (dark)
Angel: yang (light)


Or two sides of the same coin.


Yes and no, as individuals, they serve different functions. However, as source energy, everything thing is an aspect of source. Light and dark isn’t as separate as it’s made out to be but in this case it’s an interval difference.


Yeah great king paimon


It entirely depends on the operator. It is my belief that all angels, demons, anf gods are tulpas, thought forms created by the minds of men. This doesn’t mean that they’re not real, only that they find their genesis in the minds of men.

As a result, a lot of the details of these non-physical entities are manipulated by the subconscious mind.

So, I am of the belief that it is much easier to use your subconscious to empower your magic, rather than take the time to go through the process of unlearning what you have learned. Because ultimately, it doesn’t matter, results are results.


What differentiates dark and light? Dark = evil, light = good?



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Uh——— no

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Can someone explain what differentiates demons and angels? I couldn’t find a very clear answer.
I’m with @ZAMRAN on this one. There’s no difference unless you as the practitioner assign one.

I personally don’t use the words “demon” an I’m iffy about “angel”. I might use daimon, which is Greek for “spirit”. AS I understand it, these are titles, they depict roles assigned to entities by some humans, not necessarily what those entities are.

The assignment isn’t random - as far as I know right now, “demon” is basically an insulting concept used as a tool of warfare designed to diminish another people’s gods as a control mechanism. It was specifically invented by one particularly despicable and monotheistic cult that I won’t distinguish with a name. It’s fear tactics have proven successful enough that we all know which one. I recommend “The History of Hell”, it has some good data. I do think that the word “demon”, like ‘dyke’ used to insult lesbians in America and proudly reclaimed, is being reclaimed by demololators and the like. I’m not there yet.

I find “demon” and “angel” have too much baggage in terms of pressure from the collective unconscious to be very helpful. They muddy the waters when I want to talk to someone (I consider pretty much any entity people) and I don’t want my perception even subtly influenced by the lowest common denominator, media-based opinion held by way too many millions of sleepers in my closest spheres.


Formatting fail. I’ll figure it out eventually.

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Wow alright I completely agree with what you’re saying, thanks! Very insightful


So Lucifer is Satan’s angel?


IMO Yes he is… Satan’s demon would be better way to call him. All demons are aspects of Satan. Lucifer is a Satan. But he is not THE Satan. Satan is All Demons, with a separated personality.


What Is This talisman for? And how to work with IT?

Are angels and demons always at a constant war, since they have the exact opposite vibrations?

No. They used to be at war due to having different ideas about how the universe should be run, but they’ve long since settled their differences.

In fact, Lucifer and Archangel Michael are close friends.