New book just released!
I was hoping the next POM book would be by Theodore Rose
New book just released!
I was hoping the next POM book would be by Theodore Rose
He’s the kinda author that it’s either really great or not worth your time lmao…
I love his Angel Overlords and use his banishing from Protection Magick, but the rest is meh- same old same old ya know.
I agree. Wasn’t Corwin part of Power of Magick before his latest book?
I thought so, but I can’t find any reason I thought that now… I actually was wondering a few weeks ago if I just assumed that based on his layout style. I can’t find where the idea came from. lol
Just found out, he was. There must’ve been a fallout. I noticed a year ago the covers on all his books updated on kindle and they updated all trace of POM has vanished since even on the title page.
I like this concept.
Where did you find about this info? Because Chris Wood always said that only Henry Archer, Ben Woodcroft and, lastly Theodore Rose, were at POM. All Corwin’s books were published as independent publisher.
Friend checked the POM groups on Facebook. It’s discussed.
Just finished this book last night and really liked it. Got into a pleasant trance like state and fell asleep for a couple of hours. Of course, will take time to see how it unfolds.
You guys get real results from it?
I think I have. I did a few of those rituals yesterday or the day before and it seemed too easy to get a result from them although I did feel a calm ease about those things afterwards and today I noticed a real sense of balance coming back into play and then later on today the things I’ve wanted have fallen into place quite suddenly, naturally and miraculously so.
I just started to read this. It’s definitely a minimalist approach. My astral senses are shit to begin with, so I’ve really had to work to develop them. At one point, I think I read just gazing at the sigils was enough? IDK, I’ll keep reading.
How did you do the ritual?
I just followed the simple instructions in the book.
Thought about the particular problem and reason for doing that ritual and thought about what I wanted while allowing my gaze to slowly sweep from left to right over the sigil while paying more attention to the white spaces that the letters.
Edit to add to the above, I lightly scan the letters in the sigil first before moving my eyes left to right just to kind of introduce the name in to my vision and then concentrate on the thing that is wanted.
It’s really like doing nothing but today what I was asking for in those rituals is in my reality in the most pleasant way.
Also, today I am spending some time with a very poorly cat who hasn’t been able to eat more than a few mouthfuls of food for quite some time and she has lost a lot of weight so while she was on my lap I did the healing ritual thinking of her back to full strength, while stroking her boney body I imagined her being more full bodied and healthy.
She just ate a full pouch of her food in the last hour or two and she is now quite the content and happy cat
It seems simple, but if it produces potent results, I’d say it’s worth it. I believe the author is reputable & knows his stuff. It’s kind of like Adam Blackthorne’s book of sigils - no words of power & fairly simple.
Hey guys. Bumping this thread to see if anyone else got results utilizing this method.
I used the book about a year ago. I used the imagination ritual and made some enjoyable art. I used coloring pencils and paper. Somebody remarked that it had Salvador Dali vibes, which is nice to hear.