Angel(s)Calling Me?

Ok so I already made my introduction and I’m a long time lurker, first time poster.

I use to dabble in Angel Magick through GOM and I use the psalms whenever needed but that’s a different topic. I would read forums just like this one for tips including their official website, made my own study books, would refresh myself on techniques…etc. I am in no way a “professor” or “veteran” in Angel magick but I know I would set literally hours aside trying to learn as much as possible before putting into practice, which indeed I did. And then, I just stopped… I left it alone and eventually abandoned everything and years went by because life was happening, right?

Ok so yesterday I started using psalm magick again and then the idea came up in my head to purchase a brand new Kindle so I could reread my previously purchased GOM books, specifically the 72 Angel magick book. It had been literally like seven years since I’ve read this book but I used to study it HARD, reading everything from the official GOM website, to forum discussions and experiences, to Facebook groups trying to gobble up all the techniques and facts etc… I had made my own cheat sheets, sigil print outs, binders literally filled with charged sigils, allllll that before I ended up abandoning the practice and moving in years ago. Not because it didn’t work but because life happened and I rolled with it.

Well, since getting the “random notion” to purchase a new Kindle to access my previous purchased GOM books (and others) after doing some minor psalm magick, I started rereading the GOM Angel contact practice and synchronicities started appearing.

The master ritual talks about imagining the stone archway, the field of golden corn, the lighting from above hitting you when you san the Angel name right?

Well after rereading the ritual and considering petitioning angels again, I take a break and start scrolling through Facebook. Shortly after, I start seeing pictures of fields of corn, then pictures of lightning striking trees all of this completely unrelated to anything I was doing as I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook, definitely not searching anything GOM or even magick related.
Also, a thunderstorm started happening outside…

Are the angel(s) calling me? Do they remember me contacting them from before and want me to perform the ritual again? Are these signs that I am still connected to Angel magick, at least through the GOM methods?

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Not necessarily. This is something your brain naturally does when you are focused on something. When you are thinking about buying a specific car, for example, you will start to see the exact model you want everywhere. It’s a function of a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS.


Thank you for your reply. Here I was thinking I was special lol. I’m glad I was brought back to reality.

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That being said, though, Spirit does move in mysterious ways, so there’s no harm in reaching out to the angels to find out. It can only be to your benefit.

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Yes. I was believing the same that it wouldn’t be any harm in reaching out. However, these what I believed to be signs aren’t from a specific Angel but was part of the master ritual that goes to contact Raziel first before any other Angel. I was thinking it was Raziel attempting to contact me but after reading Raziel’s specific correspondences, these synchronicities have nothing to do with this Angel but only with GOM master ritual for contacting angels. See why I was and remain confused?

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Are you familiar with the technique of pathworking, also known as working in vision? It basically involves visualizing certain images, similar to the “evocation keys” used in the Gallery material, to make contact with various spirits. The author Jareth Tempest has a pathworking for Raziel for free on his website that you could use to reach out to him.

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I downloaded those books. I’ll update.

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What is the definition of a pathworking?

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The term originates from traditional ceremonial magick and is derived from the technique of walking the 22 paths of the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life via sensory imagery. Hence a “path-working.”

In modern times, the word is also sometimes used to refer to working with a specific group of spirits or current. For example, the BALG Gatekeeper series. In EA’s book Evoking Eternity, he provides several groups of spirits to evoke in a specific order and calls them pathworkings.

Generally, though, the word refers to using sensory imagery for spiritual contact. It’s also known as working in vision.