Angel Magick

Hi Everyone,

For those interested in Angel Magick I would like to open up to thoughts, suggestions, utilizations of angels on situations, etc.

All comments are welcome.

I’ve had success with angels using hebrew incantations. If you’re interested I can post them here.
Generally speaking, I gotta say that I personally never had these entities explained in a more clearly way, than in the works of E.A. Koetting. I’ve had a mentor who worked with Enochian Magick and he warned me not to get into it as a beginner since the Eathyrs could crush a single soul quite easily.


I’m interested in these incantations. Things like that have always fascinated me about Hebrew culture ever since I first heard the story of the golem.

Ditto, RedIce! Fascinating… :wink: Z

Sure, here we go. Start the ritual by calling on the inner planes to witness and state your purpose thus: “ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY” (pronounced exactly as spelled). Induce a gnostic trance and say something like: "I call on thee, Mighty ARZEL, who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures. I know now that my divine power is flooding to the surface.

Incantation for winning a contest:
“I call Thee, powerful Labezerin, who has the power to bring good fortune to those who demand. I require Thee to be my mentor and to be by my side to guide me to success as I select the chances in the contest I shall enter. Know. Though Genius, that this is my stated desire. I command Thee to fulfill my will and I seal this command by saying: SKI-MA-AH-MA-THEE-UH which Josua called and the sun stayed its course. So mote it be.”

[taken from a book by author Geoffrey Cobb]
I got in store, an invocation for money, a chant to bring success, an incantation to win a legal action, a chant to excite love and an invocation to gain secret knowledge. I’ll post them all a little later (just a bit busy right now).


REDICE: Thank you so much for sharing your Knowledge. I shall use it well … :wink: Z

Great post dude. Gonna add these to my list of things to get working.

Invocation for money:
Always start the incantations after calling Arzel (see above).
"In the Power of the Names EH-HEH-YEH. YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM and YEH-HO-VO-AH-VAY-DAH-ASS I place this Invocation with Thee, Nitika, Genius of Wealth.
Know that I require and command Thee to bring me gold. Thou hast dominion over wealth and Thou shalt begin this very instant to shape the future such that money shall come to me, enough and to spare, by the powers of these Words and Invocation.
Be Thou my help in the Names SHAH-DYE-ELL-KIGH and AH-DOH-NIGH-HA-AH-RETZ. So mote it be.


Chant to bring success:
“In all my undertakings henceforward I conjure and command Thee, mighty ELUBATEL, to protect me, bear me up and carry me forward to the pinnacle of success.
Thou shalt give me clarity of mind to confound my opposers; Thou shalt bend the Laws of the Cosmos to my and Thy will, bringing each and everyone of my desires to pass. I shall be enwrapped in Thy faultless Powers, and tread ever higher to that glittering peak which I covet.
Hear this, and answer my call: AH-NAH-FAX-EE-TONE which Aaron heard and spoke. Thou shalt guide me to success. So mote it be.”


Awesome RedIce!!! Thanks so much for sharing :wink:

[quote=“RedIce, post:5, topic:189”]Sure, here we go. Start the ritual by calling on the inner planes to witness and state your purpose thus: “ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY” (pronounced exactly as spelled). Induce a gnostic trance and say something like: "I call on thee, Mighty ARZEL, who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures. I know now that my divine power is flooding to the surface.

Incantation for winning a contest:
“I call Thee, powerful Labezerin, who has the power to bring good fortune to those who demand. I require Thee to be my mentor and to be by my side to guide me to success as I select the chances in the contest I shall enter. Know. Though Genius, that this is my stated desire. I command Thee to fulfill my will and I seal this command by saying: SKI-MA-AH-MA-THEE-UH which Josua called and the sun stayed its course. So mote it be.”

[taken from a book by author Geoffrey Cobb]
I got in store, an invocation for money, a chant to bring success, an incantation to win a legal action, a chant to excite love and an invocation to gain secret knowledge. I’ll post them all a little later (just a bit busy right now).[/quote]


This is awesome!!! Did all this information come from the Author Geoffrey Cobb? Is this book available for purchase?

Thanks for the intel…

japerez- well, I never really read the whole book, cause it seemed to consist of success stories to a great extent. And naturally I wanted to find out myself. After using these incantations, I am convinced. They do work. Yes the book is avaible on amazon for about 300 bucks.

Thanks RedIce. I appreciate the information. I going to try it.

Are you talking about this book? - Miracle of New Avatar Power
Geof Gray-Cobb

Yes, that one. I know some of of what’s in the book sounds cheesy, nevertheless it worked and does pretty well for me. I actually found a link where you can read it:

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I love that book, out of all the spells in there though the healing spells have helped me work wonders, to the point that I’ve been able to prevent friends’ relatives from having to go through with surgeries because of it. Never ceases to amaze me.

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Wow impressive results.
Does it take long to be cured by angel?

I have some stomack and kidney issues, wondering how much time I need to confess to be healed. And these things are really crap for my life.

This is amazing. How long until the results manifest. The book says 7 days same spell works best but doesn’t state manifestation time. From the examples he gives some seem to work the day after but interested to know your experiences.