Ancient Egregores Yhwh, Allah

If worship and prayer is a form of sending energy to egregores, and these activities give them power, wouldn’t that mean that egregores like Yhwh and Allah are the most powerful Gods in existence? Half the world’s population send them energy on the daily.

Also, what if the whole Abraham storyline was just a patriarch’s elaborate plan to build a bloody strong egregore for his descendants to prosper?

  • Abraham told his sons that they would worship only Yhwh as the tribe’s deity
  • Abraham told his sons to cut off their foreskin and to abstain from pork and other very difficult austerities. This would be a form of collective vow/offering from his tribe to empower the egregore Yhwh
  • The children of Abraham would be able to use this stored energy in times of crisis like during war

Maybe old Abe was a sorcerer who knew more than he let on. And maybe Muhammad saw this formula and applied it to his arab peoples. Muhammad forbade the worship of all other deities and muslims are only to worship Allah. But all muslims have to bear witness (vow) that not only is Allah the one true God, but Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

So in effect, whatever power they surrender to Allah via worship/prayer, it gets funneled to Muhammad too, just by definition of the muslim syahadah.

Maybe that’s why cult leaders can become so powerful.
Maybe I should start a cult.


Where does this stuff, these ideas come from? Ah

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Well, according to an old Lubavitch associate of mine, Abram knew Kabbalah and lived by it. He had followers who had a hard time not comparing Abram to God. When Abram dismissed these followers they fled Eastward, not to be seen again.

Interesting to note from this tale, one legend speaks of Brahmists coming from the West, settling in the Indus region to continue their beliefs and worship.


thanks for that. Well then it seems like Avraham was a sorcerer from a long line of sorcerers who know their stuff. Maybe that’s why the jews have higher IQ? Courtesy of their ancestors’ foresight and planning.

I think it’s not too far fetched an idea that Avraham used sorcery to bless his lineage with unfair advantages and in exchange his tribe would offer austerities like avoiding pork, strict diet they would adhere to, cutting off foreskin, not working on certain days.

All of this seem like rituals and offerings to an egregore in earnest. Maybe there are also things that they aren’t supposed to do and when they break the covenant they get punished ie the Holocaust etc.

Maybe it’s not practical to expect everyone in the tribe to be proficient wizards so they set this up so everyone in the community can contribute towards strengthening the tribe’s egregore via these commitments in their daily lives?

These ideas are not mine btw they are being ‘downloaded’ into my mind for lack of a better word from god knows where. I’m a contemplative type so I don’t get to see/hear/smell anything from the astral plane, although that hasn’t affected my ability to manifest things in anyway. Well at least it doesn’t seem to so far.


There isn’t any proof that Abraham was a monotheist from the record in the Bible. Also, according to the Bible, Abraham never learned Yahweh’s name. We also know that Rachel, one of Jacob’s wives, had idols with her and there’s no recorded conflict about it. Abraham came from ancient Chaldea, which was a part of ancient Mesopotamia. It’s likely that Abraham believed that the Eloheim he was worshiping (he never knew Yahweh by his name) was just another Mesopotamian son of El, or possibly El himself, because after Jacob wrestles with God he gets his name changed to Israel “struggles with El” not Israiah “Struggles with Yahweh”.

The only command the Eloheim gave Abraham was the Covenant of Circumcision. The Torah (including the laws against eating unclean food) was taught to Moses who taught it to the Nation of Israel. About 400 years after Abraham died.

Possible, but it’s pretty clear that only obedience to the commandments of Yahweh brought them victory. In the Book of Joshua, it took the Actions of one man, Achan, who stole some of the precious items devoted to destruction, to cause Israel to take a massive defeat in their next war.


Isn’t Moses a descendant of Abraham? It seems like the covenant evolved as per the needs of the tribe.

Possible, but it’s pretty clear that only obedience to the commandments of Yahweh brought them victory. In the Book of Joshua, it took the Actions of one man, Achan, who stole some of the precious items devoted to destruction, to cause Israel to take a massive defeat in their next war.

Yeah so basically we can say that the ancestors of the Sons of Israel were sorcerers who created pacts with egregores. The pacts were terrible pacts that brought ruin to them if the covenants were broken or not respected.

Can we also say that the whole society of old religions were built to empower these egregores so that they can call on them when in need?

Makes me think of the Muslims and how they are forced to pray five times per day under threat of hellfire. Maybe religion was made to control society, but instead of just blind obedience, the true reason behind it was to harness psychic energy?


Yes, Moses’ father was Amran, whose father was Kohath, whose father was Levi, who was one of the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel, who was the grandson of Abraham. Making Moses Abraham’s great-great-great-great grandson.

Or, Abraham was a sorcerer who made a pact with a pre-existing Mesopotamian Eloheim (Son of El) as a tribal god, who was eventually upgraded to national god. Then, Moses, mediated the Terms of the Covenant with the Nation of Israel, and receiving the name of this Eloheim (Son of El) as Yahweh. And then throughout history, Yahweh slowly replaced El at the head of the pantheon of the Israelites.

Well, there are a lot of holes in the story of Muhammed the “Prophet”. Muhammad never preformed any miracles, I’m pretty sure that he’s just a case of someone who wanted control and authority. There are many things that “Gabriel” tells Muhammed that are just plain false. For example, the Quran says that the Jews believe Ezra to be the Son of God, but they don’t. That’s completely false.


Yup I think this is quite accurate looking at the history of the religion. I wasn’t aware of the fact that Yahweh is an Elohim under El. I thought YHWH was another name for El. In any case I guess we could say that Abraham’s sorcery was quite successful. The Sons of Abraham are quite dominant in today’s world.

Well, there are a lot of holes in the story of Muhammed the “Prophet”. Muhammad never preformed any miracles, I’m pretty sure that he’s just a case of someone who wanted control and authority.

Well maybe Muhammad was just another warlord who saw how great the Jews were doing and wanted to do the same for himself. Muhammad’s sorcery also worked, but instead of a super race he created a zombie horde. Quality over quantity


There is evidence of Mohammed actually having signs of schizophrenia, at least showing delusions, visions and the like. Mohammed expressed, just the same as most prophets and visionaries especially in the Levant and Arab regions, the ultimate ideal through spiritual intervention and was given direction to take others towards an apocalypse.


This is probably accurate and I’ve been thinking about this for a while lol.