An Old Man's Advice on Pendulum Attunement

Use what works for you.

Orobas is a Goetic. Saturn is not. If Saturn resonates with you, use him.

Remember to always validate results in any case.

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Interesting, I will have to try this. I usually just cleanse my pendulum before use. I usually use it to get feedback from my servitors, havenā€™t done any straight divination with it for a while.

Just as an amusing nod to your topic title and first line :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


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Quick question about Orobas. Would you suggest calling him through Arzel or simply use the sigil and call Orobas directly ?

Just use his seal and call him directly.


Great post!!! I have also used Orobas with the pendulum too! And Asteroth! I find that I make the statement ā€œI donā€™t want myself or subconscious to move this pendulum. Please only allow it to move yourself. Not by my thoughtsā€ I then ask ā€œis my name ā€¦ā€ and it doesnā€™t move either yes or no. I will it strongly to say yes - but nothing. It almost feels like it is being pulled toward the ground like a magnet.

If I use a letter board to ask questions the pendulum stays really taught ā€¦ it almost pulls to the direction of the letter and I feel a physical release of it swinging over the letters as it spells out words.

The words it spells are not my typical vocabulary ā€¦ pretty interesting. I am very fond on Orobas. :revolving_hearts:


I know this is a very old post but I have a question about Orobas please- I never heard of this. I am having issues with incorrect answers. Is Orabas a negative entity? I see it has something to do with demonic?. I already have enough shit to deal with but it sounds very intriging.

Iā€™m not familiar with Orobas but he does sound popular. For people scared of demons I would recommend Yog Sothoth AKA The Keeper Of Knowledge

This is a great post. I had no idea about Orobas. I have worked with him before, so I am excited to use his sigil for this practice. I have used a pendulum fairly regularly for the past 4 years. I have 2 that I work with, one is quartz and the other one looks like hematite. I noticed that when Iā€™m using it for dousing the location of, for instance, my kidā€™s lost earbuds, I donā€™t get a good reading. It may be that I donā€™t use it often enough for that task. I found the earbuds on an intuitive hunch. Or maybe it was the pendulum in my pocket, guiding me!

Search Orobas in the ā€œspirit thankingsā€ post. Thatā€™s a good indication of his benefits. Orobas and Bune were the first infernal beings I sought out for help. I had a great experience and they did provide good assistance with my request.

Get to know Orobas first, read about him, look up correspondences, listen to his enn chant while meditating. Satania is a great source for chants. Black Witch Coven is a great source of information, in addition to BALG.

Edit: and you want to go ahead and post an intro, if youā€™re new. Rules of the forum. :wink: :+1: