
So ive decided to focus on working with Amdusias because I think what he can teach me will be best benefited from now, early in my evolution on the path. I plan on evoking him soon. I already give offerings and pray to him every day. Two of my biggest issues with myself are I fear the unknown and I’m insecure because of trauma from growing up. I’ve identified that shadow work will be useful to focus on as well however a mental block I have is part of me thinks im not worthy of being in the presence of a powerful divine being such as Amdusias and I think he might not like me or care what I have to say. I feel like it’s pretty dumb that I think that but I know it’s because of trauma I have yet to unravel. I just have so much respect for these beings and I want to show them I can learn and be teachable.

You’ll might benefit from the whiteboarding method, to bring you into a better mindset before reaching out (and possibly getting caught in a negative downward spiral because your senses might not be developed enough to sense or hear interactions between the spirit and you :sweat_smile: )

Respect is different from groveling in front of a “powerful divine being”. You are a divine powerful being in your own rights already and these spirits wouldn’t interact with us if they wouldn’t find something worthwhile inside of that exchange. So yes: show respect but don’t be -or act like - a doormat :+1:t2:

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