Am i seen from the spiritual side of the world?

Well…since young i feel like “i” could be seen by all kinds of spirits cause expecially when i became a teenager. I have heard a full on conversation from a bunch of people(mostly adults, some children) It could be me but i doubt that.

Plus i just feel like i am completely exposed to the spirits. It is like how a human can see/hear/touch another human.

and another quick question…its is possible that someone/thing is trying to pull your soul/spirit out of your body cause a few years back its just feels like my spirit is half-way out of my body, i could so normal things but not as concentrated as i use to me. Today i felt like my whole spirit is being moved side by side in my body, sort of like how water is being moved in a jar side by side…OR again its me having sides effects on drinking too much coffee