Am I dreaming?

This all feels so real, but there is a state of surrealism. No, I feel like I’m asleep. Like a blanket. I’m not awake. Is this real? Or maybe I’ve lost awareness on some level. Something is off. Not wrong, just off

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Lady Eva once mentioned something that bothered me. The people I brought with me to the afterlife, they were so… They were so sporadic and practically insane, but when they got there they were fine. They knew things that they shouldn’t have known. And she says it was “like they woke up from a dream”.

Still. I can’t help but think I’m dreaming in a sense

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Yo dude this is a dream. Every reality you experience you are creating in your own imagination. Even this earth world your are in. You are dreaming up this life as you go. Perhaps your body is loosing its grip on your energy system.


Actually try creating your own world in your imagination. Interact with it as if its your real life. Experience it with your senses and it should help you with grounding yourself in this world as well. Its much like riding a roller coaster for the first time. After riding it so much the euphoria gets weaker and weaker.

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I’ve done this countless times as a child, I still do it every now and then. This… Dream. It seems very stubborn. It doesn’t seem to be bending to my well as I wish. How do I make it do what I want it to do?

It does it just takes a real loooong time. The corrupt demiurdge created this world to trap and suppress other creaters. So to change reality with your ability takes tramendious time and energy unlike other realities were results are instant.


I see. Is there some sort of way I can break past or bypass it? I’ve always liked Koettings, “Destroy the universe and remake it in your image” thing.

Working with entities. Say like say zues just as an example. In other reality systems sues doesnt exist. Archetypes and deities are basically the same thing. Energy is consciousness, which there is enough proof of that so I dont need to elaborate. Anyways deities of this reality system rarly is a free spirit, they are bound representations/personifications/manifestations of a energy that is an integral part of the function and flow of this reality.
So is short, working with deities will help you tap into a specific flow of the universe and will manifest your intentions faster. That’s basically my explanation on magick work with entities.

I find that the more you develop in yourself or whatever aspect of yourself your perception changes so in your mind it feels like you’re dreaming or waking up from a dream and so forth. It’s not always occult however, it’s something I’ve experienced a few times in my years, some would call it an awakening as awakenings aren’t a one time thing but a roller coaster of moments and many more to come.


I have an active imagination myself. That’s why I took to writing. Mostly Comic Book stories. I’ve been writing a fantasy genre novel since 2015 that I need to finish, but I know what you mean when it feels like a dream. I have days like that myself. Its jarring, but the thing that keeps me here is my family and their teachings of love and loyalty