So I don’t really have any tools nor do I do anything before and after summoning. I just tell them to come to me. Sometimes I summon demons while browsing my pc in my pyjamas while not giving them my full attention.
Last night I was chilling with Naamah and listening to some Taylor Swift songs with her, she seems to like it. Once even Belial was with me and an amazon order came, midway talking to him I went downstairs to get it. Idk if what am doing is dangerous and disrespectful, nothing has happened so far.
Nothing wrong with using no tools, in fact I use no tools too. But it is important to be dedicated towards them , so sit for an hour cross-legged with them so they tell you what you need to do and actually do a proper ritual with yes even without tools.
You asked for a specific thing? Then something that you do blocks it from manifesting, as said before, you only get what you put in.
The whole thing “magick is effortless” while being true is often misused and misunderstood. Yes it is effortless but you still have to go “for the hunt” meaning still do the physical labor to reap the fruits of your desires.
Alright thanks brother. Maybe it’s because I don’t take them seriously is why they’re not granting me wishes as you said. I will try to take them serious and offer offerings and incense which I have. I made a bowl of fruits with flowers sprinkled on top for naamah earlier and she seems to have liked it.
That’s good brother, you gotta show effort to them as they really respect it.
I found that fasting is a Great offering and acts as a sort of warm up before the actual rituals. Over the years my Magick changed a lot and now I see value in the preliminary practices (semen retention, fasting, spiritual practice like prayer or meditation) of ceremonial magick and practice them daily too, so I am really an advocate to them as I use them to a great extent in my personal rituals.
Always consider the Universal Cosmic Laws that govern our reality. (If you take then you must give. Some recognize this force as Karma)
Reasons : If you’re asking for things and not offering something in return,then you are not setting boundaries which may result in “them taking whatever they want which will most likely metaphysical energy”
And the Spirits that you may be communicating with May be of a different identity such as a shape shifting parasite or trickster.
♤:heart:◇♧ Conjuring spirits without parameters in place may result in a campaign to destroy you.