Alternatives to Incense?

I was reading an article on how burning essential oils, using diffusers and burning incense are toxic to cats. And I have two, so what other options are their to put on my alter that aren’t toxic to cats, But can be used to give thanks to the Dark Lords? and And how do I consecrate metal objects without incense, because a lot of vids I’ve seen, they usually use sage.


I use scented candles. scents that they prefer.


I know some essential oils can be toxic but I had cats for years with no problems at all with incense.


If youre using a mister for the essential oils there is nothing being burned. Also its the fake chemical fragrences that tend to cause the respitory issues in both humans and animals. A good properly distilled and harvested. EO is actually good for the health.


This may sound dumb, but you could even use a wax warmer.

Incense is primarily used for the air element, at least from my understanding, so I think what @MidnightDeeva about candles should suffice. You could maybe add a feather or something to the mix to waft the candle towards the object (to add “air”).


Keeping a vase or planter of non toxic plants, you could make your own incense/oils out of non toxic materials, you could leave pet safe offerings out, consecrate with salt and/or intent…list goes on. Use your imagination, your deities will understand :slight_smile:


Yes, for “smell” scented candles, while for necessity of manifestation water’s vapour or indeed diffusers using natural substances; and some diffusers also have colored lights which may be useful e.g. violet for Air entities, green for love magick…


Well according to my mother, it’s not the burning and smoke, it’s the scents that the cats can’t breathe in.

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There are some incense brands that make pet-friendly incense. I dont know much about it but it wouldnt hurt to look into.

Ive ground up incense into water and put it to a warmer to make the water evaporate. It gives off a smell but its much lighter and has a steamy effect that makes it look similar to the incense smoke. You can also do this with herbs that you know arent toxic.

As far as consencration goes, theres other ways. You can do it with any of the elements. You can use water by dipping the object in the water and stating your intent, visualizing the water washing away anything unwanted and replacing it with that intent. Earth wise, you can use either dirt or salt. Visualize the energy doing its work and your intent. Fire, you can pass the object through a (unscented) candle flame and state your intent while visualize that the flame burns away any old energy. With air, sweep a feather over the object.

As for offerings, ask the deities if possible. See what they like, and maybe you can work with that to give em stuff you know couldnt hurt the kitties. Sometimes gods appreciate graditude as an offering. Or sexual energy, or with material things you could write something in their honor (like poetry or something–even if you arent good at it lol) and leave it on the altar.


singing bowl.


I have three cats and was concerned about this. I do my thing on the back porch, tbh. Doesn’t hurt the cats or anyone else.

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If the cat doesn’t like the incense she will leave the room. Some animals are smarter than some humans.


This! And to add to things there are only some real oils that are bad for cats and dogs. There’s a list somewhere or when I am not as busy I can find mine. It’s for what to use and what not to use. Oils can be used on the too.


I know tea tree oil can cause reactions in cats and dogs. That is the only one I will not use around my animals.


Having cats myself, I have four rules for incense:
1.) I avoid citrus ingredients as they are really harsh. I mainly stick to woods and resins. I don’t burn what I have not made myself as far as cones and pellets go. I avoid stick incense as I tend not to know what is in them and they can be very expensive to make.
2.) I do not allow the cats in the ritual area while it is burned. I tend to roll up some blankets to cover the crack under the door.
3.) I keep my windows open for ventilation for my own sake and allow the smoke to clear before I leave the room. Otherwise, it tends to look like ten people hot boxed the room.

I haven’t had any reaction from my cats other than them clawing to get INTO the room. Moderating how much you burn and experimenting with ingredients outside are also helpful tips as far as burning incense goes.

As for alternatives, I like red diffusers or candles for scents (avoiding citrus scents as my youngest is allergic to lemon grass). For consecration objects without using smoke, how about experimenting with charged water?


@anon37593562 is right, singing bowls, work, if you want to cleanse something using sound. Same goes for clapping :clap:t3: and ringing bells :bell:

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