I guess you could class these loosely as the obvious pantheons for the various pagan religions, which tend to have a long historical record and thier own communities, books etc.
For list of more non pagan entities, those discovered by western occultists, those show up in grimoires medieval to modern. Some of those grimoires will have overlaps, but some don’t.
A couple of popular ones I know about because I worked with them are (no special order):
- Angels of Omnipotence by Jareth Yempest
- The Grimorium Verum (I LOVE Clauneck, awesome entity for wealth)
- The Kingdom of Flames by E.A. Koetting
- Lucifer Awakening by Azenath Mason (the many Luciferic/promethean figures, including Prometheus, Azazel, Lugh, very fusion and cross tradition)
The Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance of Diverse Spirit Catalogues by Jake Stratton Kent is a wonderul reference.
There’s also an online catalog here which lists most named demons and which grimoire they’re from, and vice versa lists grimoires and timelines and dependencies (lots of grimoires included rewrites of old ones: nobody cared about authors names and copyright in the middle ages). https://grimoire.org/grimoire/