Alternative for menstrual blood? (creation of servitor)

Ummm… what? :joy:

All of this is disgusting…:nauseated_face::face_vomiting::-1:
Whatever you do, please wear gloves and a facemask. There are these germs like HIV, STD’s and Hepatitis you have to watch out for…

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Didn’t know that I can get diseases like this after getting in contact with blood, then probably I changed my mind :joy::joy: Or at least try to take it from someone who I know, not from other sources which can be dangerous

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@someguy1 use the search function at the top of your screen.

Read. Start with Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand. It uses a simple system. Follow it. There are many other ways. But you’ve got to read.


That’s the book which I was using :joy:

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All menstrual blood is (at least as far as magic goes) is life essence that is connected with creation of a new life form. So, by that logic, mixing your own blood with your semen would be a powerful substitute, as it is also connected to creation (as it requires two to tango in our species as far reproduction goes if we step aside from theoretical cloning). Or, if you want to really get symbolic, you could use blood that you use deep throat chants over (such as chanting runes), as entire civilizations that have became the world we know it today were “born” from our species being able to communicate and work with each other.


I’m sure that he wanted to use menstrual blood because of female fertility. So mixing his own blood with his semen does not match with this “symbol” but no doubt, blood is a very powerful life essence no matter what.


Dude why cant you use semen?

Good point. I guess he could relate his own blood as still relating to female fertility due to the mitochondrial DNA within each of his cells (that comes directly from the mother only) but that can be a stretch.

I wonder if mixing his blood with pureed oysters (or powdered egg shells) would be a better alternative

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@eVox_61 His semen is what he wanted to mix with menstrual blood.

Makes sense but as you said it’s a bit far from the main goal, which is directly related to female fertility.

Or egg-yolk maybe. But if we do free roam in this way, he can use even flowers and plants like:

God- or Soultree, plum seeds, tulips (so sad I don’t know how to translate the type of this kind of tulip from my native language), carnation etc. You can find powerful essences in the wild, don’t have to underrate them. Mother nature is the most ancient mother.


Ah i see i did not read the whole post my apologies

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I know and I thought about that if I really can’t get menstrual blood, but I don’t know about making other cuts on myself and there’s a chance of my parents seeing that I cut myself and have to argue with them and those scars are visible for the rest of my life. But if I really don’t have another choice, I’ll do that.

The safest and less damaging way to do that would be to prick yourself with a sterile need, such as a diabetic Lancet. You could also reopen a scab in a pinch, just be sure to disinfect afterwards.

and who tf you think would give me a diabetic lancet?

You can actually buy them at a pharmacy. They are not an age restricted item, at least in my country they are not.

But the scab idea may be a better option as it will raise no questions

I tried once to buy from pharmacy something with which I can extract my own blood and the pharmacist looked weird at me (as if I was a drug addict who wants to buy syringes to inject himself) and said that she can’t help me.

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You could order them via Amazon, actually


Ah, well I would recommend the other method I mentioned then if you feel blood must be used. A little goes a long way with blood in magic. Very rarely (in my experience) has more than a drop being needed

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There are women on the internet who will sell you just about anything for the right price


Might even be one in this forum