All You Need to Know to Work with King Abaddon

All You need to know to work with Abaddon

Names: Abaddon, Abadon, Abbaton, Abaddown, Appolion, Appolyon, Apollyon, Apollo, Abaddon Shadai, Sauructonos, Apolluon, Apolhun, Apollyn, Aggelos Abussos [Angel of the abyss]

Correspondences: (Aquarius) Pluto and Saturn

Tuesday, since Pluto rules over Scorpio for his destruction aspect.
Saturday, for his neutral creation aspect.

Metal: Gold and sapphire.

Direction: North

Time of evocation: Night since he is a night demon.

Color: Black, Red, Purple.

Offerings: Black candles, Warrior statues, Swords, Alcohol, Blood.

Enn: Es na ayer Abaddon avage


Side note:
(A) It is said that his energy causes things to malfunction. Ex: Few days ago my brand new computer wouldn’t start up.
(B) These information are collected from different occultists and their experiences, and some my own channeling.
(C) I had this written in my journal but since when I was searching I have not found something concrete like this, so I decided to make it its own thread.