Alien Experience

Well there are many reasons why you can be killed in there. Maybe you were a criminal or did stuff that were against the rules of the place you inhabited. If you were in the “angelic realms” maybe you sought out the fallen beings and was executed. But all that is just a maybe

I train my mind to go into the best reality. It is not simple at all though, like one might imagine. You can throw all the law of attraction stuff out the window; it’s not as simple as visualizing the best result. I encourage everyone to watch the secret (movie about law of attraction) just for very basic knowledge, but know that much is wrong about it, e.g., you can use the law of attraction to repel things and you don’t have to worry about every thought and you won’t attract negative things in your life if you think too much about them (like the movie claims).

The real secret is to accept the fact that we cannot always change our reality. I believe that our reaction to reality is what allows changes to happen. For example, haven’t you noticed that when making a decision, solution A will seem obvious, until you choose it. Then, you see obvious reasons why solution B could actually have been the better choice. So, you can change to solution B. But if your mind is not opened nor trained to be able to do such things (through meditations) then a lot of the times, you will not recognize solution B, because for example, you may have anxiety/fear or something over potential problems with the solution. For me, I believe it is good spirits, like angels and God that help tip the scales for/with me for certain solutions to work.

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There is this sect of beings, who died without getting singular, and they are labelled as theocrats, who collect data from other place and go sell it to other place, as their gnosis or knowledge, you might be dealing with them, rather than actual extra or ultra terrestials, but i liked your typing it had some fresh sense in it anyway, have great and safe occult trip, maybe we get to talk one day in astral :wink:


I believe physical manifestations of aliens are rare , I believe they are able to manipulate their density and frequency greatly to move from one realm to another , manifesting physically On earth would put them at great risk , so if you have clair abilities you’ll be able to see them in a lighter less dense form , just my 2 cents I guess lol


I agree with that , also maybe because archangels for example reside in the fifth dimension , they are both close to us and not close in terms of density , vibration eons higher than average conciousness of earth human lol

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Depends on the race of ET too , idk they are more diverse than humans even because of array of powers each possess

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We’re just lowly peasant humans with our sage and crystals while they fly the galaxy in their oval shaped cosmic lambos

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You dont really have any context on your post when you use terms like they and us, its like you would be campaing some fuckalien, probably grey propaganda that they would have some presence in our currents…

you shouldnt be giving your power like that to outer sources if you wanna practice magick

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Does anyone else have these thoughts about a 6th sense or even other senses and things? I believe there are things that we just cannot grasp about our reality.

For example, sometimes I wonder if we are all in a parallel reality with coronavirus. But I do not believe it is as simple as that. I believe that there is something of that “nature” that’s going on. It’s like there is something that’s equivalent or possibly totally different than alternate realities, but we just aren’t able to fully grasp it.

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U might be right? I mean in this life i were born into a strong christian family, but left the christian faith last year to explore, learn, and unlock my spiritual gifts, and the occult. I always felt drawn to the occult ever since I watch Harry Potter, and other occult movies like Practical Magic, The Crafts, and all things occults were on, and off. While my grandmother were living who were of a christian faith, and followed the christian go, just, as my living, and dead ancestor do, or did. Plus in the infernal kingdom, there a demons, but also fallen angels like Lucifer and Lilith, and Lilith is the fallen angel that I follow, have for guidance and protection, along with helping unlocking, learning, and expanding my spiritual gifts.

There was this one experience I had. (What I’m about to say is a complete contradiction) I’m convinced that this experience of mine was alien in nature, but I’m also so unsure at the same time. I mainly feel unsure because there’s really not much detail or evidence, and it was just, like…wtf?

So, before I get into the experience, I think it’s important to mention that I witnessed three strange events before the happening.

First thing was when I saw an airplane in the sky that wasn’t moving. Now, I can’t 100% say that this was something alien going on, but it was right in the same time period as everything else that happened later on after this. I also see a lot of alien talk when I research peoples experiences witnessing these stationary airplanes. And it was weird af. Yes, it was not moving at all. I remember sitting at the window seat on the bus when, all of a sudden, something told me to look outside. That’s when I saw it. The bus was at a red light, so it made it way easier to notice that it wasn’t moving. The plane did not pass the building it was in front of (from my pov). I even closed one eye, put a finger on the bus window, in front of where the plane would be…nothing. Not an inch of movement.

So, right after that experience, that is when I started to see UFO’s- or, rather, a UFO. I saw it twice on two separate occasions, but relatively close in time period. The reason why I believe it was the same ship is because it looked exactly the same; round, saucer shaped, completely silver and shiny, no lights or details or anything other than that, and same behavior. Both times I saw it, it was floating in the air doing nothing, and then it would just vanish. Weird. Nobody else even noticed it.

Now, for the experience that this post is building up to. Again, I’m not sure what really happened, I just know for certain that it wasn’t my imagination.

One night, I suddenly wake up from my sleep. It must’ve been around the very early morning, like 3 or 4 AM. Everything was quiet, my sister was sound asleep on her bed, nothing out of the ordinary. But then something outside my window catches my attention. To give a visual: my bed was directly in front of the window in a vertical position. My head would be right in front of it as I sleep. When I move my head up to look out the window, there was this bright light. It was white/blue. It shined into my window, flooding my room. It looked like something that should come from an aircraft that makes a loud noise, but there was no noise, only silence. Once the light reached a maximum brightness, I woke up. I remember jumping out of my sleep in the deepest state of confusion. One moment, the gates of Heaven are opening up in my bedroom, then the next thing I know the sun is up and everything is normal? I also noticed that after this experience is when my memory has been messed up. So…idk…it was weird. I honestly don’t know what happened to me.

I have the feeling that someone sucked up my energy and I’m left with bad and low vibe, could you pls help :pleading_face:

You’ve read war in heaven?