Afterlife Destiny Of Satanist

Someone ask me something pretty interesting and very good question he ask me whether where would be the primary destination of a Satanist or demonolater who passed away what would be his destiny in the afterlife would the soul be in service with various demonic God’s or the soul would have a kingdom on the qlipoth he would dwell in?


They would “go” wherever they chose to go. If no conscious choice is made, or they are not spiritually advanced enough, they will likely end up in the reincarnation cycle of rebirth. It really depends on their personal beliefs though.

However, there is also the possibility that there is no afterlife at all, and they won’t go anywhere. The concept of quantum immortality posits that at the point of death, the consciousness merely shifts to the next closest reality, and starts over again. I recently came across the story of a near-death experience that seemed to describe this.


If I remember correctly, joyofsatan said, Satan would send two demons to collect the soul to hell.

I wouldn’t trust joyofsatan honestly

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Being a Satanist to me is a personality trait. It’s not a path working itself. Many Satanists do not even believe in the power of magick.


@Kristian Good point. I wouldn’t even regard it as a personality trait, more like an aesthetic to clothe social Darwinism and heroic pessimist philosophy.

The mythological Satan is a character so I would say it’s a personality trait. What trait it is depends on what the symbol of Satan means to the individual.

I like to view it this way. The default afterlife is you go to this quiet realm where you’re literally laid to rest. And by that, I mean you sleep. Eventually, you reincarnate as the child of your closest genetic relative. However, there are ways out of this.

If you give yourself to a deity, that deity gets to decide where you go. They may place you in their own afterlife, or just have you go through the reincarnation cycle. In other words, you can only go to Heaven or Hell if you’ve “accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.”

I personally don’t believe in a literal Satan, but if there was one, I suppose the same rules would apply to a Theistic Satanist.

As for me, I plan on reincarnating.

Yes please. Anything that’s not the fake xian bs. :poop:

The truth is it’s just another mortal world unless the deities decide you had enough development from deaths rebirths and such.

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The gnostic satanist knows what is to be done after passing. There is only one important thing to do: manifesting the power of the Dark Gods and channel them and their energy in afterlife too. Nevertheless the gnostic satanist can travel better in their dimension and work faster to achieve his afterlife goals.

People who worked with demons have a special connection to those demonic beings in afterlife too. It’s different to the 3D material world but there are still some limitations through the different plains of existence. Service is not the best term to use cause a Legion is based on colaboration and free will.