Advice on Satan and sexual attraction

Hello, I hope that those who have worked with Satan can help me, I have invoked him for the first time, and even a week before invoking him, I have felt a sexual desire towards him, this never happened me before, it was since I decided to invoke him, even long time before I was avoiding contact with him, since I felt fear and did not feel any type of connection with him, at all, until I decided to invoke him I told him: “I will leave the prejudices and any ideas about you, I will start from Scratch, let’s get to know each other” the point is that this is normal? feeling sexually attracted to him, I see entities with respect and only for magical work nothing else, it is the first time that happens to me.


It’s normal, like I for example feel an attraction towards Lady Lilith but more emotional/romantic.

I’m not going to approach her though about it. Which is also one of your choices to. Also keep in mind spirits energies can cause sexual arousal without the spirit trying to “advance” towards you sexually/romantically.

It’s best to work with the spirit, get to know them through bonding/connecting and just see where things go in my opinion.


When I evoked him I found myself aroused as well, I haven’t fooled around with him a whole lot though.
I’m not sure I will, I think he would be really good at fear sex, which I am also into.


Thanks for your answer, this helps me not to feel guilty about these feelings with an entity, I was afraid to even offend him with this, but Satan has been very kind, more than I imagined, I got a pleasant surprise, I guess not I will give so much importance to these sensations, I care to work magically with him, Thank you for your advice :rose:


No need to be ashamed/embarrassed about having sexual/and or romantic feelings towards a spirit/entity. :slight_smile:


It makes me feel better that I am not the only one, I was worried about that, but I see that it is something that happens, it would not be wrong to leave it just as a fantasy :sweat_smile:

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I feel that lord satan has spoken through you, this makes me feel better :black_heart:

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Also, another thing. Alot of magician’s on here and even some normal mudane people have relationships with spirits (romantic, companionship, and sexual), there’s nothing shameful about it. Not sure what your feelings are about that but just wanted to say that.

Anyway, follow what you feel is right!

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I also felt very attracted to Lord Satan even when I was a Christian :fearful: .
One way how I found out Lord Satan is not Emperor Lucifer.
I could have felt attracted to Lord Satan but not to Lord Lucifer the same way.
I feel that Lord Lucifer is more fatherly figure when I think of him.
Oh and I am a male and I like both females and males and I feel attracted also to Godesses.


Satan has a dark sexiness to him, which can be fun but dangerous …depending, from my understanding at least. Satan’s black sugar is sweet, but I don’t think you would want to breath it in.

Where as Lucifer does have a father figure thingy that he has found himself type casted into, but it is probably in actual fact far better in bed, as he is a true artist of about every sexual energy and can command it at will, he could find the right energies tailored to a person and give them amazing out of their mind bliss, but once experienced you may never stop wanting it.


So funny that you say this… I view Lucifer as a father figure, he has a very soothing energy. I call him “daddy.”


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I’m start to understand that the energy of Lord Satan is too attractive to resist, also for me Lucifer is totally different, he is my patron, so he is my friend and father, but wow! Satan has me all sighing :hot_face:


I couldn’t see Lucifer in any other way than as a father and friend, I like him yes but not to the point of wanting him sexually as Satan. Although for the moment I will only leave him within a mental fantasy :black_heart:

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Unfortunately I can not think of Emperor Lucifer that way. There are stories where I see King Belial with a woman or King Azazel Or King Asmodeus and it really turns me on.

But when I hear stories of Emperor Lucifer with a woman in bed I am like: nope I can’t hear this i dont wana know it makes me so uncomfortable.
Feels too much like a father even tho i berly talked to him once or twice in my life in dreams.

Is it possible that the Encient ones have children amd some reincarnated?
I also feel very protected and had dreams since I was a kid of a woman passed by a male with glowing eyes telling me " no matter what you do i will always be around you" or something like that.

Then during the time i was wasting my life away with addiction or junk food and video games and masturbation i felt some one was very disappointed in me then i got a wake up call by seeing a post on Instagram.

Since then I made huge progress spirituality and mentally.
I still eat junk food cause its cheap but my videongame needs had been absorbed away.

Feels like Emperor Lucifer watches over me when I need it and sometimes communicates with me through other people.

Or I am nuts and its all in my head :man_shrugging:

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I too many times asked myself if everything is in my head, but I am still learning to differentiate when it is my head that speaks or some entity, so many ways that spirits have to communicate, there is no doubt that sometimes they do it through other people, but thank you for telling part of your story of how you have changed your life,it’s a process that takes time until death I guess, some of us need more than a post, like a kick in the ass to wake up!! That happened to me :sweat_smile: