Advice on how to completely destroy this relationship?

if the link exists already you dont need to make your own link you just manipulate the energy between them that is their link, it can be like injecting toxic energy into it as well and having it corrupt the entire link between them.


So you will need first of all, knowing to control your own energy and aftet learning how to manipulate it. So let’s say they re gonna have kids till then :joy::joy:
But this knowledge is always precious and useful for your own development in magick :ok_hand::ok_hand:
@John_Wick i need to see the cord between those two, not between me and him. And this os even more difficult i guess

It depends on the reasoning behind why they are using. If it is to distract them from personal pain then most of them believe in, and adhere to, moral ethics. If it is to “chase the dragon” or “ride the high” then most do not.

your should watch that. chase the dragon. good chinese martial arts movie lol. donnie yen

Now there is a lhp take on the bible and who God is if ever I saw one. He is worth reading


As someone who has dealt with someone like this in the past, I think cord cutting would be very helpful for you. The idea is not just to separate yourself and forget about them, but to also make them effectively cease to exist within your reality and clear a path for someone new.

This is probably extreme in some ways, but this is what I did that helped me: gather up all the things from him if you still have any - pictures, gifts, things he liked that weren’t that important to you, anything with a connection to him…and destroy it. Maybe sell things of value and use the money to spoil yourself, but otherwise burn, tear, crush it all to bits. Curse, scream, cry, let out all your rage and hatred towards him while you do this. And when there’s only ash and dust, bury it all far away in a place you’re confident you’ll never see again. This extends into the digital: remake your social media, game accounts, etc. as necessary. Don’t just block them, get rid of your whole account. Break all those links with him. Don’t worry about losing people - those who matter will follow you, just tell them where to find you. It’s a big process, and will take time (and probably money) but when it was all over, I felt renewed.

Sadly, this is about as close to closure as you’ll probably get. At least it was for me.


I agree with that wholeheartely…that’s sound advice :bouquet:


I believe we talked about the 11 day ritual with Haniel a while back. This is the exact unrestricted emotion he lets open I spoke of in another thread.

You can’t really shut it off. It worked, just mainly on you it seems.

I second the energetic links. Something blocked his end of the rite and yours got blown wide open. Sucks but that’s how it’s supposed to work on both sides

I’d hit up Dantalion or Haniel himself to help you with your end of it. It’s an interesting situation to be in and hard to think through rationally, sorry girl. It’ll get better if you address this part of it

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