This is going to be my journal describing my experiences working through the BALG Wealth Magick book.
At the same time, I’m also going to be continuing my second pass through Damon Brand’s Enochian Success Magick which may enhance the results.
This is going to be my journal describing my experiences working through the BALG Wealth Magick book.
At the same time, I’m also going to be continuing my second pass through Damon Brand’s Enochian Success Magick which may enhance the results.
This will be FUN!
The first two chapters of the book are basically introductory, with EA describing some of his initial experiences with money magick. I’ve always enjoyed the personal anecdotes he often uses in his books to illustrate his points so it was a nice start to get a short glimpse into his own personal journey.
Chapter Three is where EA gets into the possible obstacles that one faces in manifesting wealth. I’ve read a lot of books on wealth and money magick over the years and this topic is something that is rarely talked about, and if it is ever mentioned, it is generally just glossed over.
EA identifies five distinct types of obstacles:
The first are Situational Obstacles. These are basically the excuses we all make as to why we can’t get what we want. We see these kinds of obstacles a lot on this forum. “I can’t do magick because I can’t afford candles.” “I can’t get a job because I don’t have a car.” “How can I sell my soul so I don’t have to actually do anything to help myself.” Basically, these are the external circumstances we blame for our inability to move up in the world. The truth of the matter is, however, that circumstances don’t matter. We might think that no one has ever been in our specific situation before and that’s why we can’t get ahead, but the fact is, there are people born into the worst circumstances imaginable who are still able to go on to greatness. To do the same, we only need to be willing to do what needs to be done to get there.
The second type of obstacle are Psychological and Emotional Blocks. These are a subtle form of self-sabotage. EA give the example of what he calls attachment to the avenue of restriction. These are the people who want to be wealthy but they don’t want to change jobs, or move to a bigger city, or drop their slacker friends or give up video games. They claim they want to have lots of money, but they don’t really want anything to actually change. In Damon Brand’s book on Wealth Magick, he warns that the rituals within can cause disruption in the magician’s life, and in reading EA’s explanation of these types of blockages, it made me wonder if the disruption spoken of is mainly caused by the magician not wanting to move, so the forces invoked have to move them. Basically, you can’t expect a massive change in your life to occur if you won’t change what you do on a day to day basis.
The third type of obstacle is *Obvious Self - Sabotage. This is where we engage in defeatist behaviours, like addicitons and compulsions, and refuse to take steps to help ourselves. We want to lose weight but we don’t want to give up our burgers and beer. We want to be wealthy but we don’t want to give up our weekly trip to the casino. We want to get into shape but we don’t want to stop binge watching our favourite television show. Self sabotage can manifest in the so-called impostor syndrome, where we don’t think we are deserving of what we want, that somehow, no matter what we accomplish, we’re just not good enough to have it, that it can be taken away from us. Due to the pervading religious belief in Western culture that poverty is somehow more spiritual than having a lot of money, most of us hold ourselves back from having a lot because we see it as wrong or selfish.
The next type of obstacles EA discusses are Ancestral Blocks. These are basically obstacles thrown up by your family and friends. If everyone in your family has worked a farm for two hundred years, they may resist you wanting to go off to university, or starting your own internet business, and if they do allow it, they may try to take your achievements as their own, your money as theirs. These are the friends that invite you out to a fine restaurant, and then expect you to foot the bill. Or the aunt that plans a month long luxury vacation and assumes you will provide the funds because “family.”
The final type of obstacle that EA identifies are Past Life and Spiritual Blockages. These can be anything from energetic attachments to certain people in your life, unknown past-life contracts, energy leaks or as simply as an attachment to where you currently are. As someone whose material prosperity was bound by a Power because of my actions in a past life, I know this kind of obstacle can be very pervasive because it’s mostly unconscious.
EA finishes the chapter with a game of gratitude. The easiest way to overcome each of the obstacles listed is to feel gratitude for all that you have, and all that you will have. It’s important to note that appreciating what you have in no way precludes the desire for more. You can be thankful for the roof over your head, but still have the ambition for a bigger one.
It’s a bit of a synchronicity for me that the chapter ends on gratitude as just yesterday I performed a ritual from Corwin Hargrove’s Celestial Angel Magick to help me cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Playing EA’s game may just be what I need.
Chapter four of Wealth Magick covers a basic candle spell utilizing green, gold or orange candles. In my own magical journey, some of the very first spells I ever had success with were candle spells.
EA provides a simple invocation to call upon the forces of Light and Darkness to bring in prosperity and abundance while gazing into a candle’s flame. He also provides a money magnet spell that can be performed on its own or integrated with radionics, which is an area of magick I haven’t really explored.
Interesting. I’ve avoided Brand’s wealth magick book because of its rep for massive disruption. Wondering if this book carries a lesser risk of that nature
The disruption seemingly inherent in Brand’s book is mainly due to being “unworthy” of the wealth being asked for, not in any moral sense but in the sense that most people’s lives are simply not set up for handling a sudden increase in wealth. Think about what happens to most lottery winners. 80% of them wind up worse off than they were before winning simply because they weren’t ready for the money and had no room in their life for it so they end up getting rid of it as quickly as they can.
When EA asked Azazel to bring in a greater flow of prosperity, as detailed in the Book of Azazel, he promptly lost his job. When he demanded an explanation, he was told that the job was a block to what he had asked for so it had to be removed. For most people that would be a major disruption to their life.
However, there are plenty of people who have used Brand’s book who experienced no disruption at all so i think it mainly comes down to whether or not one is prepared to receive what was asked for. Jason Miller has an article on his Strategic Sorcery blog that helps to explain this idea of worthiness.
I would say yes, because the workings start of simply with candle spells and sigil spells for bringing modest amounts of money to help build the foundation for greater abundance (note that modest doesn’t necessarily mean they will only bring a couple of bucks. EA goes over the Abramelin money square, for example, which has no limit to what it is capable of bringing).
Its this kind of thing that concerns me. I get this type of thing is a plus if you prioritise wealth over other considerations. For example, I could make more money in another job, but I love my working environment and the people there, so don’t want to leave at this time. Its not that I wouldn’t like greater wealth, but there are some things I wouldn’t trade for it.
Also if such working were to cause me to get fired, thats a stigma that sticks too, especially as public service agencies are now required to provide this information to each other when vetting new applicants.
So yeah, where disruption is concerned, my worry is about losing some of the things that I give greater priority to than wealth.
In my opinion, those worries could be ameliorated by increasing your worth ie making some extra room in your life for more money. I don’t think you would necessarily have to give wealth additional priority over something else though. Doing something as simple as reading up on financial management, for example, could be enough to increase wealth’s place in your awareness, especially if it helps you to think on what you would do with the additional abundance. A lot of times, people say they want more money but they have no idea what they would actually do with it.
It also comes down to trust. In the example above, EA was basically given no choice but to trust that Azazel would fulfil his end of the pact. It’s important to note that EA had asked for an increase in the flow of prosperity, which his job at the time acted as a sort of dam against ie he could only earn a certain level of income doing what he was doing. Instead, Azazel brought him investment opportunities where the river of prosperity could flow without restriction.
Thanks for this. Loving it
I defi itely feel what you are saying about the blocks. In my own month of money making, i was PLAGUED by the thought of stopping, turning back and giving up.
Sometimes, the only way through it is through it.
@DarkestKnight, thanks for this. This is true guidance! I started getting involved with the LHP in order to better my financial situation. I am still unsuccessful with magic and rituals, seems like the daemons shun me. . However, the insights provided on this forum on various topics are just incredible.
Chapter five in Wealth Magick is titled Spells for Career Development and it begins with an invocation to Ba’al. Then comes a Spell of Burnt Sacrifice, involving the destruction of currency (hence the sacrifice) to release deep blockages to wealth.
The next spell covered is one for releasing all the excuses we make that prevent us from levelling up our material wealth. It’s a simple but quite powerful spell that involves giving over your excuses to be burned in the flame of a candle or, optionally released to the universe in a balloon. Either way, you give them up.
The final section of the chapter covers several spirit seals useful for career and money. In particular, EA talks about the combination of Lukorst, the Angel of Abundance from Kingdoms of Flame, and Seere, the 70th spirit of the Goetia. I have personally worked with Lukorst individually and he has been quite helpful for monetary gain but I never thought of pairing him up with another spirit for increased efficacy. I also wasn’t aware Seere could be helpful in regards to wealth. Both spirits have legions serving under them that they will bring to bear on whatever task you set before them and I must say this duo intrigues me. I will definitely be trying them out in the near future.
The chapter also includes the consecration of the seals of Clauneck from the Grimorium Verum, Mammon (the only seal to be blooded) and the Seqor square from Abramelin.
Note: These are seal (sigil) spells and do not involve fully evoking the spirits, though, of course, that is always an option.
I had to put the book down due to life getting busy but I am once again picking it up to continue this journal.
This is actually very similar to a money spell we do here…
Usually it involves some sacrifices on a crossroads, some spiritual baths and then money is burnt, must be mint, usually the highest currency, 21 pieces of it and then mixed with some certain herbs and ingested with milk over a period of 7 days at 1:00am…
I would have loved to post the name of the herbs but I don’t know their names in English and I will not advise anyone to do it without supervision.
Can you please share that spell? What we should look out for?