Admittedly new to divination

I’ve never been good at it, but I’ve been working on it.
Anyway, ex wife gifted me this board as an early birthday present.
Basically just curious of any sort of etiquette that I may not know, general dangers, etc.

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I think it is important to be respectful of what comes through and remember it is door to all. The only time I’ve used one is when I was trying to reach someone specific.

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After taking it from the box, I went out to run some errands for a couple hours.
When I went back into my room I was greeted with this. I haven’t used the board yet so I’m assuming it’s responding to the energy of the altar? I also will not be leaving it out anymore.

One of the great secrets to use the spiritualist table is: Keep in mind that when you open the portal in the etheric panorama, whatever happens in the environment MUST CLOSE THE PORTAL, THE SPIRITISTA TABLE is a connection is a key that opens other dimensions and The most serious mistake is that after the established or open connection, the portal that was opened is not closed, since the open portal is a dimensional window open to the arrival of different entities and even contrary to the well-being of the evocator, take precaution in it, because this is not a supposition or a probability it is a law that must be followed and know if you want to manipulate it, that is why global cases of disasters, chaos and serious situations


I would never use an ouija board. You have no idea what kind of spirit could come from it.
There are much better divination methods than this imo

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Agreed with @Ravenxoxo, the Ouija Board is a grand joke to the mundane but it’s really the wild magic of divination tools that tends to have side benefits of heavy poltergeist activity.

If you want a method that’s not quite “sink or swim”, I’d recommend Letter to Robin. Great source for multiple methods and a solid system overall. Their word press website is the first result via Duck Duck Go.


I will check it out also. Always interesting to learn something new.

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Their pendulum layout is packed with detail you wouldn’t expect to get out of a read, but trust me, it works. I…absorbed the programming when I first read through. No “Can I\May I\Should I” for me, apparently. Personally I blame Heimdall.


I’ll have to check into it. My approach has very much been “sink or swim” for a while now. Maybe I’ll switch gears. :+1:

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