Addressing entities

Good day. Just wanted to ask, if I address to the entity I summon as a “one of the gods of the other world”, do they actually like that? Because once i did read, that they are very proud of who they are, so calling them gods should make them feel nice. Am I thinking on this correctly?


I think it depends on who you’re addressing and what you mean by “other world”.


I mean, their personalities are different, but I don’t see what’s wrong with it. They may be more aware of your motivations, so think about why you want to call them that. Is it out of respect or kiss-assery? I know the demonic kings are more interested in helping us become gods than by us prostrating ourselves before them.

how do i communicate with Azazel, because i can call him, and i feel his presence. but i can’t hear what he is saying nor what he is trying to do :cry:

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so, should i use a oujia board? or is that dangerous?

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okay! sorry fir not doing it earlier! i will now :smile:


My take on this, is that they don’t actually speak languages that much, they pick up on the vibrations humans produce. Language and intention shapes human thought though, hence changing the vibrations we create and send out. So, if using a certain phrase allows you to create the right energy that resonates with a certain being so they realise you want to connect, then it works.

This means a bit of trial and error to figure out what works for you. “one of the gods of the other world” will mean different things to different people. Depending on their cultural and educational background, no two humans will produce exactly the same energy from any given phrase, as it is created through the lend of their energy being, so something that can work for one might not for another… you have to try it, and trust your intuition if it’s telling you it feels right.


alright! thanks so much @Mulberry!!!