Adding a New Gatekeeper

Even though I am sure this is just my personal issue, I have been doing this 9 gatekeeper class- and while doing some work, I have decided to add AbigorEligos to me list of Gatekeepers, making 10 in all. my problem is, every one of them are Male, seems so unbalanced. Thinking of just screwing how many there are, and putting females in; who would you suggest for females Demon and why ??


Does that also mean you added another Gate (for the Keeper to keep)?


This is a fun topic, because I agree that it seems unbalanced. However, don’t they just appear to us in a form thats most pleasing, to some they appear as females and I don’t even know if they have a specific sex, or if thats something that humans have just imposed over the generations


They are traditionally male in appearance but they don’t actually have a sex. Many of these entities have appeared to many of us as female. EA has spoken of Azazel presenting to him in some occasions as a woman. And Belphegor presents as female to me regularly. It’s all about perception.


You’re using your human preconceptions of gender. In truth, demons can show up in whatever form they like, and some have even shown up to certain people as female. I know I’ve seen Azazel as female at least once.


Isn’t the point here that there are certain Spirits ( as decided or named so by …?) who are termed the Gatekeepers, and that there are a certain number of them?