Addicted to validation, CBT and Mindfulness doesn't work for me

Did you not read the rest of my reply?

If you can’t do it, change yourself so you can do it.


Another thing, try reading up on philosophy, any kind really. If you’re ok with a maybe long or maybe really long wait time, then philosophy with enlighten you on not giving a flying Fword(omg sorry for the bad language)

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Haha me too :joy:

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Try the opposite, imagine they’re right, you have no “validity” (whatever the fuck that means, you’re not a credit card) and even when people aren’t talking about you, they mean people exactly like you.

You’ll still wake up in the morning, still breathe, eat, drink, use the lavatory etc.

What does validation give you?

What does feeling its absence or opposite give you?

Those are the issues, IMO, not trying to fine-tune your feels on shaky foundations, or trying to find a way to make everyone love and approve of you.


I had to go look up the “dirty” meaning of the word because apparently I don’t spend enough time studying porn. I’m familiar with cognitive behavior therapy explanation however.

On the other hand, Astaroth states, when words sound similar or the same, there is a special “meaning” there, a way that language can be “used”. She is always using words in this way, and I still don’t quite get it.

Validation makes me feel normal and an upstanding member of society, and the opposite makes me feel like a monster that should be put down, but I don’t want to put myself down because it doesn’t benefit me.

I largely been there done that when it came to self help products. I haven’t used Youper yet, but I don’t think I can validate myself with a chat bot because I can’t suspend my disbelief enough. I been working out the mental gymnastics on my balg blog Oflameo's Doom Bunker - #21 by Oflameo but I just don’t have it yet.

I am in Pittsburgh, PA. I went through Vocational Rehabilitation but it is hot garbage all of the way around. I stopped not because the program worked but I got my immediate issues solved with connections. The therapy never addressed the core issues it it was just patchwork at best. I went to a private psychotherapist for a couple years after my immediate needs were met because the state covered the bill.

I was convinced I had aptitude, my teachers and my grades show that I had aptitude, and I am using Linux now, but the market showed me that it was bullshit. I could only get what Joshua Fluke would describe as garbage jobs. I am not even working in IT right now, I am in logistics right now, but I am getting paid more now did I did when I was in IT. There is no refunds for those courses. I have to find the money somewhere.

It does suck.

You say that like I haven’t thought about it. Go back to 4 please.

At this point, you’re just doing this, but actually.

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No I’m not.

Dude, you’re literally saying you can’t work to improve yourself because you suck and hate yourself and can’t change yourself. Exactly like in the thread I linked.

Stop being a defeatist L.O.S.E.R.#1 and take responsibility for your own poor state. Grow a spine and take some proper effort to better yourself instead of bitching about it on an occult forum.


I didn’t say that I can’t work to improve myself. What thread are you reading?

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Sounds like quitter talk to me.

You are making an assumption I want to flesh out.

You are assuming I can validate myself…

…and or that I can change myself so that I can validate myself…

…and if I think I can’t I am just being defeatist.

That assumption is false, and I really looked and I don’t have an internal mechanism for self validation. If you can show me I am mistaken without me spending a for fortune of time and money on something that is guaranteed to work unless I’m not trying I would greatly appreciate it.

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I read it… I was more saying that I agreed with his point, because while I hated that answer myself it’s ultimately what I had to come to.

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I bought and read the kindle version of The Art of Chi Kung: Making The Most Of Your Vital Energy by Wong Kiew Kit. It is a religious sales pamphlet. It reminds me of Dianetics but the scientific claims are even more flimsy in my opinion and Wong is more heavy handed about his religion.

The pitch is that he teaches you a few breathing exercises and some deepities the offer is all of his other books, his mastermind program, some consulting, etc. There is nothing wrong with that. The kicker is that I already put those exercises into practice. I did hot yoga at a studio for a couple years, and now I can do Wim Hof tricks via the Breath of Fire, and now I can go out in 0 C weather with short sleeves on. Me buying into Wong’s religion helps solve his problems, but doesn’t address my problems. Yes I am acting cynical, but I been on rides like this before.

I see some red flags in Wong’s work. He is a big practitioner in pseudoscience, and I define pseudoscience as the misapplication of processes used to manipulate variance of a universe on invariant parts of a universe. Here are 3 claims that contradicts facts or completely unprofitable in context.

As you continue practicing, Chi Kung will cleanse your body of toxic waste. For a short while, your breath may become heavier and your body smell stronger and you may pass off gases more frequently than before. These are some of the ways your body clears itself of waste products. But do not worry; soon you will not only look sweet but also smell nice.

Your organs will do this atomically. It isn’t caused by your Chi Kung practice, otherwise all of the non-practitioners would be dying from poison in their bodies.

It is a common misconception that depriving ourselves of food will reduce our mass. In fact, some overweight people eat very little, yet remain overweight; and some thin people eat a lot, yet remain thin. The problem lies with hormonal dysfunction. Overweight people do not produce enough hormones to break down the food they eat into energy, whereas thin people break down their food too much, so that they do not have any excess to build up their mass. In Chinese medical terms, this is a case of yin-yang disharmony.

This contradicts the first law of thermal dynamics. See this Thunderf00t video for more details.

This, of course, is highly immoral. We believe that no one should derive benefits, no matter how great or tempting, from the suffering of others. Taoist masters tell us that such unethical sexual practices, like black magic and superstitious rituals, are corrupt deviations by people who do not understand the true meaning of Taoism. Any practice that willfully harms any other being just cannot be right.

This is a classic No true Scotsman aka appeal to purity fallacy.

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I wouldnt say I feel that the book was religious, it was more like it was a pamphlet of elementary exercises.
“Lifting the sky”, “carrying the moon”, combining the two to induce chi flow (called swaying willow in other schools) are like the most basic you can get, but they are recognised as some of the best exercises.
, then there were exercises like “drawing the moon” and separating water were things I didnt hear about before , but I could replace with better exercises I heard elsewhere.
The guy also taught the art of 1000 steps, but hid it in his words

Golden bridge,art of wisdom and academic performance qigong and blooming face massage, were geniuinely good arts I have learned from that book.

Im curious on your thoughts on Wong’s Shaoling comprehensive guide

The shaolin comprehensive guide written by wong kiew kit, is more advanced and details on the assumption that you can follow it. Learning qigong from a book is hard

Wong did make a whole bunch of claims that had nothing to do with the exercises, claims that we know he can’t support or explicitly fallacious. More of the book was on his claims about what the exercises can do and what Taoism can do than the exercises themselves. The book was thick full of testimonials too.

I want to get this clear before I start digging further down the rabbit hole. Which comprehensive guide do you want me to get? The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan: A Comprehensive Guide to the Principles and Practice- Revised Edition,
Complete Book Of Shaolin: Comprehensive Program for Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Development, or
The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Mental Health?

That one.

the other two are trash. The chinese medicine one asks you to use weird stuff you cant find easily that may/may not be good as modern medicine and
the tai chi chan one…the theory is good but its ust ridiculous to learn tai chi from pictures.

what your feeling on mantak chia?

I haven’t read any Mantak Chia yet.

Well said.


No it isn’t. It is like telling a short adult to just grow taller.