Activating and deactivating runes

How to spell out the runes correctly

Any agreement consists of the following parts:

  1. You indicate what you are going to do with the help of runes, say what you are using to change the situation, for example: “this runic palindrome”, or “this runic stave”, or “this runic formula”. You can specify the objects that are being affected.

  2. Enumeration of runes and an indication of what these runes should do (this can be generalized, without listing each rune separately). For example: The Fehu Rune attracts good luck and material benefits to me, the Gebo rune attracts partners into my life. It is possible to stipulate the runic becoming as a whole, for example: “These runes will attract luck and partnership to me.”

  3. Rune working conditions, in this part you spell out the conditions for activating and deactivating runes. For example, “the runic palindrome is activated by the power of fire and ends its action after burning with gratitude to the Gods.”

  4. Magical security. If the runes can be interpreted in two ways or if they can have different energy effects, then you need to add adjustments at the end of the reservation: without harm to my health, without harm to my relationships with loved ones, without harm to the health of my loved ones.
    This clause can be changed at your discretion.

The stipulation of the runic formula and the choice of the element to activate the runes.
So, the general template for the reservation of the runic formula will look like this:

(1) This runic script, formula, or palindrome,
(2) makes (specify the necessary), makes changes (specify the necessary changes)
(3) Activated (select element) and deactivated (select element)
(4) without harm to loved ones, for their health, without harm to relationships.

Runic magic does not accept poetic stipulations, they do not need to use metaphors and figurative comparisons, you need to ask exactly what you want, and the way you want it to happen.
Some recommendations on making reservations and choosing the element to activate runic formulas, staves, palindromes, and ligaments:

a) 1. To activate formulas that deal with defense or attack, healing, passionate relationships, to cut off astral bindings, use the element of fire.

  1. To activate formulas that deal with the acquisition of material goods, activate your runes with the help of the earth element.

  2. To activate formulas related to obtaining information about people’s relationships, activate the runes with the element of air.

  3. In order to correct and improve the situation, to purify, to get rid of negativity and to improve your life, use the element of water.

  4. Any of the above can be activated by the magician’s personal power, namely, the magician’s breath.

b) In order not to make a mistake with the sequence of runes when listing them, use paper, first make up and write down the stipulation, and only then pronounce it. The reservation of the runes must be made at the time of application of the runes.

The method of activating runes.

General recommendations for activating runes. In order to activate the runes, you need to put the runes on the carrier, it must be a natural material. Runes are applied to : paper, wood, leather, stones, any natural material. In clothing, these can be natural fabrics. Runes can be applied to metal objects.

How to apply runes correctly

All runes should be applied from top to bottom, given that the energy source of the runes is drawn from other worlds that feed our world with their energies. If we disassemble the first rune, the Fehu rune, we will see that it consists of three parts, the first is the base, and two sticks directed upward from the base, like antennas receiving energy from above. Another rune, Ansuz. She looks like a Sword, but her wands are pointing downwards, which means that energy is pouring into our world from the world of the Gods. This way you can make out each rune. All rune application must be applied from the main axis.

Ways to activate Runes

(step by step)

  1. Drawing runes. We put runes on the object. On a stone, on paper, on a tree, prescribing, pronouncing each rune correctly, and when applying, we immediately specify the effect of these runes, we set a direction for each rune. You can set the general direction for all runes, in this case, the reservation is pronounced once and you need to start talking at the beginning of applying the stamp, binding or formula.

  2. You can use a stipulation-visu, this is the most difficult but also the most correct and preferred way, but you need to be able to make viss. Visa is preferable to the usual reservation, because it refers to the chosen Deity and can be used in ritual runic magic.

  3. Activate the work of the runes, by ritual or simple activation, we pronounce what we activate the runes with.
    For example, I activate runes with fire, water, earth or air. there is another option for activating runes, activation by breathing. Some believe that this activation belongs to the element of air, but this is not the case. This is the activation of the magician’s personal power.

  4. Activation by the power of fire:

Carry the runes applied to the carrier over the flame of the candle, just above the flame, so as not to damage your talisman or runic script with fire, and pronounce the activation of the runes with the selected element.
Eg: “Activating these runes with fire”

Those formulas that are subject to constant action can be activated by burning. Those formulas or bindings that are burned according to the result stop working by burning. Burning runes upon activation triggers the runic formula to work forever.
This needs to be said: the runes will stop working in a week when the runic formula (talisman, ligature, amulet, and so on) is burned.

It is best to set the runes on fire. You can use a match, you can use a candle flame. Lighters are not used in runic magic during activation and deactivation.

c) You can activate it with the power of air like this: put your work in a smoking bonfire. This is a fire that has already gone out, which has red coals, if you put wax on the coals, then there will be strong smoke. Put your work in this smoke. You can activate the runes with aroma sticks, for this you need to put the holder with the runic stave on the stand where the aroma stick is lit.
In field conditions, the runes are fumigated with any dry grass.

d) Activation by the power of the earth
To do this, wrap the runes in a natural cloth and then bury them in the ground for 15 minutes, then take out your talisman. You can just sprinkle the runes with earth and then take them out.

e) Activation by the power of water. Dip the talisman three times in water (you need river water, or spring water, you can use seawater). Other water is not suitable. In the worst case, you can pour bottled water from a natural source over the talisman three times, such water is sold in stores. let the talisman dry, do not wipe it.

And yet, how to apply runes correctly? There is a lot of information on the web: with a felt-tip pen, on yourself, on soap, on food! They almost draw on their foreheads. In the speeches of the High One, it is clearly stated how to carve runes: they need to be cut, on wood or on stone, you can on skin (not on your own, of course), but some especially desperate people cut on their own. You need to stain runes with your own blood, for women it is acceptable to stain runes with menstrual blood…

Deactivation of runes.

Deactivation with runes takes place in the same way as activation: with four elements or on the personal power of the magician. The most convenient and successful deactivation of runes is traditionally carried out using three elements, these elements: fire, earth and water. I have never seen air deactivation, but theoretically it can be assumed how it is done. Deactivation on a magician’s personal power looks simple and is not common. Water is a universal deactivator, and many types of magic, not only runes, are deactivated by water, for this you need to choose a source with running water. A river or a spring will do. The stave or talisman is placed in water and the formula is pronounced- deactivation, reservation, after which an offering is brought to the Gods. In modern magi, it looks like a payoff.

About deactivation by the earth, I will say that this is a topic worthy of a pen, the fact is that the earth takes in any negative, Castaneda buried his students in the ground to rid them of the essence and bindings, the earth is a filter, everything that is buried is deactivated.

Therefore, it is customary to bury all magical waste. To clean a magic knife, you can stick the blade into the ground, cleaning the stones is also done by burying.

Burying an amulet or talisman, you will not make a mistake. Another question is whether this is suitable for you, because this way, through the element of the earth, you can get rid of the negativity sent through the earth or simply deactivate the amulet that has lost its relevance. the fire deactivator is more aggressive, burning the talisman, the fire releases the magician’s intention more strongly, this does not happen to the earth, deactivation by the earth is softer, it rather deprives the bindings.

And the easiest deactivation is water deactivation, it works easier than all deactivators and is suitable for almost everything, perhaps except aggressive cleaning and aggressive influences.